Trump’s Interview Questions To Supreme Court Nominees Leaked!

Tweet Tower—The White House is reeling today after some of the key interview questions the president is asking each potential supreme court nominee was leaked to the press. This occurred only hours after the president announced he had narrowed the field of prospective replacements for retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy to four. The first question President Trump asked of each finalist was: Do you believe a sitting president can be indicted? And the follow up question: What if he’s standing?

President Trump also asked each candidate the following questions:

Do you think a president should have to release his tax returns?

Do you think I am doing a very good job as president, or the best job ever?

What do you think should happen if a president ignores a subpoena?

If I write enough checks can I do away with these balances?

If I get you this job, you technically work for me, right? (yes or no.)

Would you investigate if the Deputy Attorney General, say, slipped on a banana peel and fell off the roof of Trump Tower?

Trick question: If a train leaves Chicago at 75 mph, how long does it take before Scott Pruitt is wasting more tax payer money?

Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told the press today, “These questions are more fake news as reported by a very disreputable spoof news site. The Daily Discord has now stooped to the level of CNN and the New York Times. They should be ashamed of themselves. How about restaurant owners only start serving the The Discord gang fake food!”



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