News & Politics

News & Politics

Scientists Lied, Camels Died

The Crank

Ok Mikkey, here is another one of those generalities you hate so much. All your statements on “climate change” “global farting” “death warmed over” or whatever you choose, are wrong. All of them (Geeh, I so love doing that).

First, the earth hasn’t warmed in over ten years. Know why? I do J! China’s spewing of sulfur dioxide from burning coal, that’s why. A recent study indicates that so2 actually reflects sunlight in the atmosphere. Of course, it also causes acid rain. (Oops) Lets not stop them from doing what they’re doing, there is nothing in it for the “warmers”, let’s do something here, like then paying the scientists even more to now figure out how we (the US) can negate the effects of the rest of the world, while simultaneously going broke doing it.   Money

Second, it has been admitted by UN scientists that they repositioned most of the temperature sensors worldwide closer to centers of population, to skewer the results. They all make quite a lively hood of it all, hundreds of millions for the scientists and the likes of fat Al, with his jet and mega mansion, and G.E, with its already set up carbon credit Ponzi-sham money robbing system. Mo Money.

Third, let’s look at facts: we (the U.S.) have all but stopped so2 emissions , lowering them some 70% from 1980. We also have added hundreds of millions of cars and trucks to our roads from 1970’s numbers, yet we have not increased the amount of pollution directly from them one iota. How, by re-engineering the way the internal combustion engine works, and using wind tunnel testing for aerodynamics. The U.S. is a world leader in many areas of pollution control. Hell, even Canada and Mexico are producing more so2 than we are. That is exactly why more and more companies flee to Canada/Mexico (our own auto industry) and China/India for most of the worlds manufacturing. Less energy costs, less labor costs (no unions), less governmental incursions. Even Mo Money

Fourth, most of the CO2 that we expel into the atmosphere does not increase global temperatures one degree. It is diluted into the oceans, and then what is left is re-released into the lower atmosphere where it is all absorbed by plants. By regulating CO2 as a harmful gas, the E.P.A.(Evil Pay-me Administration) will only cost us billions, and help no one, no one but those evil Chinese Indians with emphysema. Want to really help? Go to the equatorial rainforests and stop them from clear cutting hundreds of hectares a day for uselessly farming the land (it does not farm well at all), or worse still, burning the trees to make coal for energy. Whole Shit-Loads O’ Money

Fifth. The United Nations whole environmental plan is not based on China and India doing anything. Look it up, sir. What t is all about the U.S. paying monies to so- called “third world countries” like, well, China and India, (surprise face now) to “help them clean up their act”. Fuck them. We did it on our own. The UN cares nothing about anything except the re-distribution of wealth, from our pockets to theirs.

It is all questionable at best, junk at worst. Just to show you how money related it all is, here if the best example I can find. In Australia, there is a company that requested it receive some form of “carbon credits” or the monetary equivalent, from their government, for killing Camels. Yes, those lovely, spit in your face, multi humped dromedaries. Evidently, Australia has a shit load (sorry) of camels, who knew? It wants to shoot them by helicopter. They are using actual studies by the so called climate scientists that show that in The Land Down Under, (where women swoon and men plunder), camels release too much methane, thus help cause global whatever. This is no shit, (pardon the poopy pun) it is real.

So, to close, dear Mik, cause not the US to fall further towards the event horizon of the black hole that is failure of the U.S economy by making us the only ones paying for all this shit. Move your ass to China or India and work on them for a while. Make them catch up to us, and then we can talk about further restrictions. Having us do something that is negated a thousand times by other countries, all the while costing us billions, and sending all of our manufacturing to China and India, is just plain gap-toofed stooped.

Talk to the hand


North Korea Boasts Capability of New Ballistic Something: Taepowoodendong-2

North Korea Boasts Capability of New Ballistic Something: Taepowoodendong-2

North Korea—Kim Jong-il remains undaunted by his country’s continued sanctions, dwindling resources, and tough economic hardships.   Despite the odds, Jong-il and his ilk have created a completely wooden missile, the Taepowoodendong-2.  This formidable projectile is believed to reach from naughty bits all the way to the liver.

When asked if the missile could reach the U.S., Jong-il stated, “I know this much, it can reach all the way to who’s your daddy now, bitches?!”

When asked how he plans to bring the U.S to its knees solely through the use of a relatively small piece of wood, Jong-il stated he planned to “get America drunk first.” 

When questioned about his tactics, he became defensive, “Look, this is a long, completely unsanded ballistic dildo.  America will fear me now or suffer the dongsequences.”

Jong-il went on to explain how his last statement was a play on words that may or may not translate well into English.

GOP Claims Gingrich’s Mouth Nearly Contained at this Time

GOP Claims Gingrich’s Mouth Nearly Contained at this Time

Clear Lake, IA—Newt Gingrich, the out of control right wing mouth piece, is still burning today, but pundits claim the buffoon is nearly 70% contained at this hour.   For many tense weeks, it looked as if Gingrich would incinerate huge swaths of America.  Last month, he completely burned the Ryan Plan forcing Republicans to work around the clock to extinguish sections of the ignited document.  In Dallas, after several aides resigned from his campaign, an attempt was made to drive Gingrich east into Lake Ray Hubbard.  Unfortunately, he was able to jump a firebreak and escape. 

“We now have him surrounded in Iowa,” announced House Speaker John Boehner. “We were concerned he would keep talking, but now his fiery often contradictory rhetoric is finally smoldering.”

When asked if high political winds could rekindle Gingrich’s campaign, Boehner said, “Not likely.  No one is going to fan those flames.”

Just to be on the safe side, Iowa’s Governor, Terry Branstad, is urging residents to keep all accelerants and all microphones away from the former Speaker.

“Gingrich is currently holed up over in Clear Lake,” said Branstad, “where no media is getting in or out.  Unfortunately, he does have access to his social sites, so be the first of your friends to Not Like.”

No Negotiating with Teabaggerists!

Mick Zano

We are at yet another critical juncture in our history and we have dumb and dumber duking it out in DC.  This is when you have to ask yourself, do you want dumb to stop dumber (D: raising the debt ceiling and revenues and then failing to reduce spending), or do you want dumber to stop dumb (R: those forcing spending cuts only)?  Oh, did I mention there’s also dumbest (the Tea Party who won’t allow any tax increases or any debt ceiling management)?  Good times…

Here’s the equation again:

Dumb = Democrats: continue spending at current levels until our debt surpasses our annual GDP (collapse within 2-3 years)

Dumber = Republicans: austerity measures and spending cuts only (collapse within 1 year).

Dumbest = Tea Party: austerity measures only and don’t raise the debt limit (collapse next Tuesday)

See? This formula always works.  It’s like magic. 

Integral thought alert:

Whichever party wins, the country is likely to lose. If the Republicans win, we’re going to get an unbalanced debt deal that relies too heavily on frontloaded spending cuts, forgoes tax hikes that could further reduce the deficit, and rewards a reckless and dysfunctional model of negotiating through brinksmanship. If the Democrats win, we’re likely to see some sort of crisis before we see any sort of action, and this isn’t an economy or market that can handle much more bad news. Heads, dysfunction. Tails, catastrophe.

Ezra Klein

Let’s get the one thing Republicans have been right about out of the way first (hint: it’ll be short). President Obama never understood the depth of this collapse, never.  He was told perceptions rule the stock market, so act all business as usual.  At the end of the day he suffered from the normalcy bias.  He should have listened to his Budget Deficit Commission and started some of the necessary spending reductions across the board.  He would need to balance those cuts carefully as not to trigger a double dip recession.  But, at the end of the day, if he fails to change the trajectory of our deficit, his presidency will plummet like a Gingrich campaign in Seattle.  This current direction is unsustainable, kind of like me at the Brewfest last week.

The right needs to focus on responsible spending cuts.  So get to work on that… instead of all the other nonsensical bullshit you typically focus on during any given news cycle. I’m being facetious; we’re not going to get that help.  The right is all Bachmann-bat-shit-crazy these days.  Cuts from the right will not be across the board—they will likely be ideologically and lobbyist driven and only target those must vulnerable in our society.  What’s worse is this: today’s Republicans must now sip from the tea cup of stupid, or risk political extinction.   Those least in the know are holding those barely in the know hostage.  Good times…  It’s not about Bush, Crank, it’s about those people who voted for Bush, twice, becoming even less insightful since.   Stephen Hawking is going to need to determine if this is breaking any Universal laws; this level of ignorance could start bending space. 

My agency, in the field of behavioral health, has been subjected to about 37% cuts in the last three years.  No shit.  You want to keep drawing blood from that stone?  Of course you do.  How much did Gates agree to cut defense again?  Zero percent?  That’s reasonable.  When I talk about responsible cuts, they can’t cost us more money in the long run, nor can they destroy or end countless lives (see: the Ryan plan).  My field could probably have survived 15% cuts (leaner and meaner, baby!).  But now at 37%, Arizona will have to rebuild the programs currently being gutted on the tax payer’s dime.  They will do this about a year or two from now when they realize, “wow, that was stupid.”

The right’s ideas fall into two main categories: 1. totally wrong or 2. partially right.  I can’t think of any recent examples where they nailed it.  Can you?  When did you ever say, whew, that was a close one; thank goodness we listened to those folks over at Fox.  This being-wrong-all-the-time stuff wouldn’t be so bad if they were capable of negotiation.  Example: even when they’re partially right about something, like the deficit, they’ll screw it up anyway with that all-or-none thinking. Their perception of reality is the most skewed, the most compromised, and the most detrimental to our future (see: Hannity’s America).

Need more delusional examples?  When The Crank says something always happens EVERY TIME, let’s take tax cutting to create jobs as an example…well, a journalist over at Slate Magazine researched this phenomenon globally.  If Annie Lowery is correct, then The Crank’s “ALWAYS happens EVERY TIME” can be translated roughly as:

Throughout the history of all economies on the planet, it’s only happened a couple of times and the direct correlation between tax cuts and job creation remains dubious at best.  

Again, we have that situation where nine out of ten economists think one thing, but Fox shoves the microphone in the face of that one economist left behind. Yeah, that’s the ticket… just like that 97% of all climatologists thing.  I’d love to see The Crank in Vegas.  Of course, in this case he’s thankfully only gambling with the global economy instead of the inhabitability of the Earth.   Roll them dice, baby!

And when The Crank says something like this or that “never EVER worked”, like socialized medicine, he really means, its working great in Germany, well in Australia and OK in Canada.  Watch, his rebuttal will be “Canada’s healthcare doesn’t work!” thus proving his point…er, somehow.

What does this all mean, you ask?  The Republicans are now the ones living in the land of the theoretical.  The Crank is just a symptom of a greater illness.  It used to be the liberal professors were the only ones operating wholly in the philosophical realms.  Some Prof would suggest some progressives (aka, expensive) idea, but there was always some neatly trimmed, small glasses type reminding him of the actual budget.  These were the debates of old; these were my father’s Republicans. Somehow, to the detriment of this country, that has all changed. It’s not that we dislike conservatism, Crank, just your version. 

Fareed Zakaria over on CNN covered this radical Republican transformation (of course, you heard it here first on the Daily Discord).  So how does one become a theoretical bean counter anyway?  You were supposed to be the ones to say, “No, America, you can’t buy that Dodge Viper.  Let’s get a sedan.”  Then they pulled out some bills and bank statements and started clicking on a calculator.  Now, they pull out a Ouija board, some Tarot cards, a Magic Eight Ball and start burning some sage (speaking of eight balls, where’s my “package” Mr. Shaman?).

So Mr. Bean Counter Foxeteer guy, this means you no longer have any function in this society.  So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m buying the F-ing Viper, bitches.  Dems will continue to ignore you, on cue, because you have no credibility and, as a result, we will spend ourselves into oblivion.  But, meanwhile, we get a Viper!  Liberals are doing what they do, spend money, and Republicans are not doing what they used to, which is make fiscal sense.  It’s a recipe for…what’s today’s date again?

Where is the right’s economic evidence?  Probably on some Beckian chalkboard somewhere. Taxes as a percentage of GDP are lowest since the 50s; we have amongst the lowest in the industrial world.  The hostility to business, for the most part, is invented propaganda designed to Rush the Limbaughs back into power to finish us off.  You know what hurt businesses?  The biggest economic collapse since the Great Depression, that’s what. 

Pragmatism means cutting the Grand Bargain of the 21st Century: tax reform, revenue increases, and entitlement and defense cuts. You cannot take away one of these three legs and hope the stool will stay upright. By insisting on new no revenues, the GOP is not taking responsibility for its own role in creating this debt, is ignoring the real dangers of total gridlock, and refusing to play an adult role in resolving it. By never offering anything substantive to restrain healthcare costs or to insure more Americans, the GOP is unserious on healthcare policy. By refusing the only solution to immigration – tighter border controls and a path to citizenship for those already here – they are merely making amnesty a reality while making the lives of many hard-working people and their US-born children more precarious.

—-Andrew Sullivan

Andrew’s gets it.  The problem is this: these more integral solutions to our problems typically piss off both liberals and conservatives alike, which is why I have little use for either of them.  D and R will only agree to their half of the solution, which isn’t going to work.  We need less D, less R, and more Transcosmetic party! Three members and bloating.

There was a really great debate on Fareed Zakaria last week, wherein Robert Reich (liberal) battled David Stockman (conservative).  Reich made a compelling case for the group who believe that tightening everything now, through austerity measures only, “would be repeating the history of Hoover.”  Stockman, meanwhile, made a strong case that the kitty is dry and that the only way out of this is to cut entitlements (like Medicaid), defense spending to some degree, and raise some revenues (he’s at least one Republican not giving a pass to the Bush tax cuts).  This is where the debate should be.  Somewhere between these two gentlemen lies the answer.  I actually lean a little toward the conservative guy, Stockman—although it will likely cost me my job.  Now, The Crank, as usual, is choosing some imaginary door number three.  We’re just going to pretend lobbyists don’t exist.  We’re going to ignore that people need basic services and we’re just going to pull 14 trillion dollars out of our collective asses by next Tuesday.  Great plan…er, great depression.  The Crank’s plan has always been, “Let everything fail, have that depression, and then we’ll be OK in a few years.” Ummm, when the dollar is not the currency of choice on this planet, we’re not going to be OK, we’re going to be Greece.

So listen up Mr. President, no negotiating with Teabaggerists.  Bad enough we have to negotiate with Republicans. As Sullivan, Stockman and Klein, and anyone else with a clue can attest, we need a multi-pronged approach to tackle a 14 trillion dollar deficit.  We do not need to be held hostage by people with just those two switches in their head, good/bad, up/down, lobotomy/electro convulsive therapy.  We need nuance, not nuisances. You will get your spending cuts and tax reforms, but ending the Bush tax cuts for at least some of the population has to be part of the solution.  Sorry, reality again.  To negotiate, one needs to negotiate, not storm out of the room after refusing to fund two wars.  Oh, and robbing from China to pay Paul Allen hasn’t helped either…imagine that. 

Hear ye, hear ye: the negotiating will be limited to this: for what income group will the Bush tax cuts expire?  Will it be for those earning over $250,000 a year? over $500,000? over a $1M?  Let the real negotiating begin.

My posts remain based on independent thought and The Crank’s are primarily fueled by propaganda.  This is why I agree with you sometimes, Cranko and you never agree with me…er, even when I’m agreeing with you.  For you, Obama is always wrong, so if he develops a plan to solve all of our problems tomorrow, you will vote against it on principle. If one puts this into historical context—coming off the heels of eight years of Incurious George—then, sorry, I have the right to be angry and you have the right to remain silent.

Happy Crankipendence Day: for those who Give a Shit

The Crank

Spiro T. Agnew was right thirty some odd years ago.  He called it how he saw it. The “Press” and its Liberal/Progressive lemmings are exactly what he said they were, “Effete intellectual snobs.”  He got his ass handed to him in a mayonnaise jar for that—only he was right on the money.

Harvard—that bastion of knowledge that teaches you how to talk, not how to do—just released a ‘study’ that, in effect, stated those who ‘subject’ their children to Fourth of July activities are harboring future Republican/Conservatives, which amounts to mind control and a form of indoctrination. After I saw the results of the study, and after the hrroid rage finally subsided (different type of rroids, from a different part of the body), I felt sadness. It has finally come full circle. If you love your country, and show it, you are a bad person. I have two words for this study…ASS HATS.  You know, like those people who take up two parking spaces at the mall, ASS HATS.

My own family members have stated to me that that’s one of the things they most hate about Conservative / Republicans is that they “wrap themselves in the flag, like they are the only ones allowed.”

To that I say, “I am not bogarting the flag, sir, you haven’t once said ‘gee could I wave that for a while?’”

You could, you know, you really just don’t seem to want to. New concept, “you can love your country without loving who is or isn’t in power.”

Obama handed congress its ass for wanting to take the “Fourth” off. He said they had better work through it until their job is done. He then waved as he boarded Marine One for a golf and family weekend—you know, with the daughters who he doesn’t know their ages. ASSHAT.

When I was a child, everyone loved and celebrated the fourth, Dems and Repubs alike. It was just what you did. Note to anyone who doesn’t love this country enough to show the kids what it’s all about, either move or get elected and change things. Sitting cross legged on the Adirondack chair by the poolside bitching about social injustice is just what got Europe into trouble. When they finally went belly-up, they asked the E.U.(Germany) for bail out Deutschmarks.

Angela Merkel of Germany said it best, “If you want Germany to come to your rescue, you had better start working as hard as we do.”

Imagine that…actually work for your money…what a concept.

Rich people who worship at the altar of socialism are the used car salesmen of our time. They expect you to believe what they say, even though they got all their money the old fashioned way, Capitalism. No one gave it to them. Only the true “educated” of our country are stupid enough not to see it.

Were our founding dudes perfect?  No, but they seem a whole lot smarter than today’s experts.

Happy Friggin’ Fourth!

The Crank

Palin to Donate Frontal Lobes to Bachmann Campaign

Palin to Donate Frontal Lobes to Bachmann Campaign

Wasilla, AK—Earlier today Sarah Palin announced her intentions to donate the parts of her brain associated with higher executive function to Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann.  The two are believed to have made a pact that if only one should run for president, the other would donate her grey matter to the cause.  Palin and Bachmann will undergo a controversial procedure previously only accomplished in film and television. 

“They will be an unstoppable force,” said Dr. Sterling Hogbein, of the Hogbein Institute and Grill.   “Just think of it…the petty, childlike cognitions of Palin enhancing the flaky, almost psychotic neural misfirings of Bachmann.  They’ll be the perfect Republican candidate!”

Scores of flag waving morons are already gathering around Palin’s old Wasilla home with pitchforks and torches of encouragement.  Palin spent the last several hours reminding the mob, via megaphone, that her brain should only be removed at the time of the transfer by proper licensed neurocosmotologists.

The Daily Discord covered a similar story in June of 2008.   Their controversial coverage involved the conjoined Obama/Hillary ticket, O’Hillary.  Sadly, the Discord staff has yet to come up with an appropriate name for the conjoined ticket of Senators Al Franken and Diane Feinstein.

Hereto nameless recombination of Franken and Feinstein

Discord Apology XXXIV

Pierce Winslow

Philadelphia, PA—The Daily Discord has not had to do one of these retraction/apology thingies in quite some time.  We sincerely hope this is a reflection of our more stringent internal checks and a greater emphasis on journalistic integrity.  Having said that, here are a few recent missteps for which we hope to atone for today.

Our headline Vegans Line Up for New Prime Rib Buffet should have read Las Vegans.

On the day bin Laden was killed, our initial marquee statement Obama bin Biden is Osama! may have led to increased confusion on the matter.  In our defense, we were very excited by the news and quite inebriated.

Our headline Sperm Whale Discovered in Egg Harbor by Local Seaman turned out to be inaccurate, at best, and our Perfect Breasts Discovered at Mall! headline turned out to be falsies as well. 

I would also like to make it clear the Ghetto Shaman’s column does not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this important ezine.  The man is not at all well and should probably seek some type of professional help.  On that note, what the hell is the Tao of Skull Fucking anyway?!

Palin Announces Exit Strategy

Palin Announces Exit Strategy

Sarah Palin and her family have pulled out of Dodge and have taken their One Nation bus tour back to the frozen north.  She told the press today, “Progress against progressives has been made.”  She is still leaving behind areas along the coasts that remain “safe harbors for liberal thought.”

“This isn’t over by a long shot,” said Palin, who then made several other gun references not meant to be taken literally. 

Palin’s bus tour exit strategy involved taking route 90 West all the way to 5 North and then on through enemy socialist territory before arriving back in real America.  Palin denies living north of the Land of Misfit Toys and refused to answer any more of the Discord’s questions.

Palin claims to have ended the bus tour after being selected for jury duty.  Critics argue this proves she is not smart enough to get out of jury duty.  When questioned about the recent poll showing how 7 out of 10 Americans feel Palin’s bus tour is heading in the wrong direction, Palin spewed more of those gun references.

Climate Change, Global Weirding, and the Universally Wrong

Mick Zano

I’m only going to address the climate change piece from your recent rebuttal, Mr. Crank.  Republicans would have to officially lay me off, permanently, to muster the time and energy required to address your other “points.”  You see, there are two types of thinking on your end of the aisle, the first kind kills economies and the second kind kills planets (to channel Dr. Seuss, we’ll call them Thing One and Thing Two) and the whole Thing Two, planet destroying thing is where I draw the line. 

Now, I’m being facetious here, because, as we all know, no one is smart enough to be wrong all the time—although the right seems to be breaking new ground in this area. The Crank calls them “Warmers”…for the rest, just consider them “Birthers” with brains.  Back in 2009, a poll showed 97% of active climatologists agreed human activity is contributing to global warming.

Granted, this is back in 2009, since then a few more scientists have converted (hint: I’m trying to help). Scientists remain overwhelmingly warmers, yet public opinion is swaying elsewhere.  But even if it was 50/50—if only half the scientists in the world thought we were permanently screwing ourselves—I ask again, why would you want to roll those dice?  Haven’t you watched any Godzilla movies?  Forget the weather for a moment, or Godzilla for that matter. FACT: most marine biologists and people with HD Discovery agree the ocean reefs are dying and we are fishing our oceans dry.  Oh, and 99% of scientists believe we’re amidst a mass extinction.  There are lots of reasons to curb pollution—the very real possibility of accelerating climate change just happens to be one of them. 

So you’re really OK with business as usual? Rolling back forty years of EPA regulations?  Of course you are; it’s all part of the programming. As you said, this is a time when all statistics “can’t be trusted,” so in this fuzzy fact-less void called America, let’s believe the one pie chart funded by Dr. Evil.  Great plan.  Here’s the right’s argument in a nutshell:

“Hey, if we keep polluting, there’s a statistically significant chance we won’t all die.”

—C. Montgomery Burns

Come on, you’re smarter than this. Or so I thought. Even if 10% of our scientists thought we were heading for trouble, shouldn’t we consider the dangers? That’s the difference for me… there’s just too much at stake to ignore this problem, even if I’m wrong.  Do you have any idea how long it would take for your stock options to recover from a two million year Earth-inhabitability issue (EII)? 

EII, we don’t create the products destroying our world, we represent the huge swaths of time when only insects will survive on the planet during said interim period. 

Republicans don’t and won’t give a shit until it impacts their stock options, which is certainly part of why people with foresight think they’re dangerously shortsighted—the rest involves Sarah “the British are Irish” Palin. 

You should go back and reread my initial post on global warming because, in keeping with your theme, you’ve missed all of my major points.  Well, at least you’re consistent.  Let’s put all of your posts on the subject in a time capsule for future generations…oh wait, there won’t be any.  Maybe cockroaches can dig it up at some point.  They should be able to decipher our language in another 50 million years or so.  Then they’ll have that good laugh you keep mentioning.  Hey, some of your Twinkies might still be around!  

Here’s the quote from the last Crank post, “Yeah, the whole global warming thing, well a new study from NASA, as well as one from a British university, now show the Sun is entering a ‘quiet stage.'”

Really?  I think inquiring minds would like to know, when the hell are you going to enter a quiet stage?

Interesting, though, but what you said is not quite accurate. True, the sun has been very active over the last 50 years or so, and that it has been unusually quiet for the last few. However, this does not indicate a potential ice age. This suggests, as happened back in 1859, that we’re in some pretty shit now man. The article I read stated that “Senior space agency scientists believe the Earth will be hit with unprecedented levels of magnetic energy from solar flares after the Sun wakes ‘from a deep slumber’ sometime around 2013,” and that this “could cause catastrophic consequences for the world’s health, emergency services and national security unless precautions are taken.” That doesn’t sound quite like a mini ice age cooling off global warming to me, but I digress.

Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Nothing to see here in the North Pacific Gyre

The liberal media pushes all global warming data, while Fox and Matt Drudge only highlight ‘there’s nothing to see here’ shit. Hearing you, Glenn Beck, and the Sean Hannity espouse wisdom on the subject of Earth Science is kind of like getting your medical advice from Dr. Demento (which I do…so bad example).  But Dr. D, am I really going to need to have my dead puppies Yankoviched?

As usual, the only “evidence” the Republicans can muster doesn’t even make sense (for an example, see any Crank feature).  I too have cited data and opinions that have questioned global warming.

One of my heroes, integralist Ken Wilber, once said, “The data just isn’t there to support global warming.”

I have mentioned this and more.  When have you, Mr. Crank, ever left even the faintest hint you might be wrong about something?  I haven’t seen it…well, I’ve seen the results…but, don’t worry, your defense mechanisms are cleaning up your messes, almost instantly, through the magic of cognitive dissonance.

OK, I’ll bite…soooo what do the natural stages of the sun have to do with anything?  Why don’t we focus on the things we can change, like the American Idol finalists? Here’s something we recite before all Discord meetings, it’s called the Serenity Post:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to ignore all Crank posts. 

Sorry, but I’m not ready to fund the ‘ship the glaciers to cool the sun’ project, but we can stop poisoning the planet, any time now.  Also, an ice age is often the result of global warming, aka, the Hannity fallacy.  You make fun of me for not knowing the alternative version of Paul Revere’s ride (as seen on Wiki “reality-changing” pedia), yet you don’t understand how global warming can trigger an ice age? 

Stage 1: Polar ice caps melt

Stage 2: Oceans lose salinity (salt)

Stage 3: Ocean currents stop

Stage 4: No warm water currents circulating = ice age 

This is 7th grade stuff…you know, when you were busy learning how Paul Revere’s true story involved, “I’m warning the British! I’m warning the British!”

I know, I keep making the points for you, as you say, while you keep ignoring the large one at the top of your head.  I hate to go off on a tangent here, but did you actually see Palin’s deer-in-the-headlights answer to this basic revolutionary question? Well, I did.

“He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms.”   

– Sarah Palin

I don’t think all the Who’s in Wiki-changing-pediaville could alter the fact she’s one of the most ridiculous candidates in the history of our…I’m kidding, most of your candidates are ridiculous.

Sorry for climate changing the subject.  So here’s some of that math I never took again: let’s say Al Gore and his ilk are politicizing global warming (which I think they are)…let’s also say it’s impacting the opinion of 15% of those scientists polled (a guess) and then let’s say Fox and their ilk are only influencing opinion about 5% in the other direction (hint: I’m being kind), so let’s take that original 97% of all those climate peeps (the ones who think mankind is impacting climate), then let’s subtract the difference between the two propaganda teams, say 10%?  So we are left with 87% of climatologists agreeing that mankind is speeding up our demise (almost 9 out of 10).  But hey, that one guy might be right, eh?  In fact, I’ll bet he’s very far right and has stock options with C. Montgomery Burns…excellent. 

Maybe you should read my posts before you respond, instead of just feeding them into that Heritage Group translator of yours.

Hey, Mikko, Stop Blowing Wind up My Ass

The Crank

I am hereby demanding the Palin misogyny stop. I know it’s OK to make fun of hot looking conservative women. Of course, this is complicated by the fact that most liberal progressive women look like The Oak Ridge Boys with titties, so I guess that’s why you do what you do, never getting to wax political with a hot babe. Also, it’s just not funny. Especially when you involve her harming her children, which is also OK for you, I guess. A real laugh riot, Mikko. It is exactly the type of reaction that is ringing the death knell for liberal politics. You all are doing it to yourselves. And I am standing on the sidelines with a Coke and some pasta, laughing my furry beige ass off.

Palin, unlike yourself, actually finished college and got a degree in only four years! Imagine that, not taking that year off for International Beer Studies. I didn’t realize they had a 5 ½ year degree in ‘Beer and the Internet’ till yours. She also beat out a long time ice encrusted Governor, a favorite of the people. Oh yeah, she also told the oil companies where they could go if they didn’t toe the line. Alaska is in a great financial position directly because of her not taking shit from the oil companies.

You know what is the funniest part of the latest in Palin bashing? The whole Revere ride thing. She is correct. Just read the book “The True Story of Paul Revere,” by Charles Gettemy. I bet you also thought that Revere actually said “The British are coming”. No one learns history in school anymore, the teachers today are way too busy teaching socialism, union policy, and anti American hate (see Tucson) to have any time for anything else. And the problem isn’t going away by throwing taxpayer dollars at it. Japan does a lot more with a lot less. Hell, schools in the sixties did a lot more with a lot less. The emphasis on math and science is being blamed because of No Child Left Stupid. Bullshit.  Look, in the sixties we learned all three, math science and U.S and World history. Alright four, all four things. Damn that higher math again. Today, when it comes to the school administrators’ compensation gravy train, it’s more like “No Bureaucrat Left Behind?”

No mainstream media outlet will admit to any of this, but it’s all OK. You see, you can make fun of Palin all day, it only fortifies our position, that you are either ignorant of history (which is possible, considering European pubs don’t teach all that much U.S. history), or you are all really scared diaperless of her, as you should be. You see, I don’t want her as President. I want her as Energy Secretary. But, the more you make fun of her, the more I want to see her as President, so your head will explode like that scanners dude. I told you Mik, paybacks are a bitch—even a Bitch one may want to bang like a screen door in a category five twister.  Sorry, that was sexist, omit that Winslow.

As for the deficit, a stronger economy is the only way to lessen it. New taxes have never worked. Ever.  When Ronald Regan first lowered the tax rates, federal income from taxes went up bigtime. The reason the deficit didn’t shrink was that the Democratic controlled Congress spent it as fast as it came in. Fact. After 911, Bush’s cuts ended a recession in months. If he hadn’t followed this up by spending money like a drunken Democrat, we wouldn’t be in the situation we are in now.  We are now 3+ years into this one. The more this idiot Obama tries to regulate by edict, the more frustrated businesses become, the less they hire. We don’t need any new laws, we need someone with the balls to enforce the ones we have. There were enough laws on hand during the beginning of the latest recession to stop it in its tracks. No one enforced them. Not Bawney or Chris, or the S.E.C. The only one doing his job at the time was Elliott (I ain’t no Weiner) Spitzer in New York as Attorney General.  He made the corporate and banking bigwigs do the perpwalk. He then fucked it all up, and the only one watching the store was now history.

As for the whole Bush thing Mikko, I read yesterday that everyone that gave $500k to Obama’s election (called bundlers) got big government positions. Officially, more in two years than Bush did in eight years, way more. This is the exact thing Obama rallied against in his campaign speeches. He is a liar and a fraud. Obama is the arrogant Butthead to Bush’s Beevis and is the worst person at the worst time for America. In today’s news it tells that his own counsel told him he needed Congressional approval for Libya, and he ignored him—just like he ignored his own bipartisan jobs council’s advice. In approving the DOJ to take Boeing to court over a union thing only proves that. Do they realize that if they were to actually win this lawsuit, the ramifications are mind boggling? All businesses that start up will never do so in a union state, they will become wastelands, and the ones already there will now move overseas. It could mean an end to our way of life altogether. I’m sorry, even Rosetta Stone couldn’t get me to speak Mandarin. You will see rice wine come out of the noses of the Chinese when I ask, “Where can I rent some vegetables?” (an inside joke with Mick).

Old Hotwheels himself, Steven Hawking, couldn’t find the amount of care Obama has for jobs. He is frozen by his ideology. Not having ever earned a real living in his life, he has nothing else to compare anything to. Kinda like you. Obama has recently stated that automation, like ATMs, is responsible for the high unemployment. The ATM union is not amused. ATMs across the country vow to strike. No more money vomited out, no money to spend. Doomed!

I want the government to do as little as possible, and improve the way it does what it should be doing, like enforcing the borders. It has been proven time and time again that the U.S government can’t run anything well. The U.S Post Office will indeed go bankrupt soon, as it should, and be privatized. This past week, FEMA sent a letter to a homeowner in Joplin, stating that his home, now without walls or roof or floor, is not damaged enough to warrant financial help. I do not want these people running a lemonade stand, much less my healthcare.

Oh yeah, the whole global warming thing, well a new study from NASA, as well as one from a British university, now show the Sun is entering a “quiet stage” as she has before, and the upper atmosphere is actually cooling. Nature don nid no steenkeeng badges, she do what she please. I guess if we are to keep warm, we should start to fart ourselves silly. According to the studies, if the Sun gets any quieter, a mini Ice Age may be in our future. And I was so looking forward to the accepted semi-nudity the whole Global Warming thing. Oh well, can’t have it all.

Well, time for some Twinkies and a float in the pool.

