So Don’t Be Sad, As For Crisis, Conflict & Collapse, 2 Out Of 3 Ain’t Bad

Catastrophes are looming, so the rightwing distraction machine shifts into overdrive. What exactly are they trying to hide? Drumpf’s first trimester will bring a constitutional crisis, an unnecessary war, and/or an economic collapse (two for three, or your security back!). Dubya started with an unnecessary war that resulted in a constitutional crisis. Then, during Bush’s second trimester, he triggered the worst global event since the series finale of Glee. You might not remember the constitutional crisis part, because Obama was complicit in the torture scandal cover up. Make no mistake, the emergence of Pompeo and Haspel into positions of power highlights this blatant failure to clean up Dodge. Thanks, Obama, I thought this was America! I almost miss that… It looks like Trump will start with a constitutional crisis followed by an unnecessary war. He’s planning to save the economic cherry on his shit sundae for last. But it’s going to be a great depression! The best depression! #ApocolypseDOW?

The end of the Iran Deal marks a clear shift toward war. This was an unnecessary reality regardless of who assumed power on the right. What’s also inevitable under Republicans was the funneling all of our country’s wealth to twelve people, skyrocketing deficits, and the resulting economic collapse. Trump was handed a strong economy, as most Republican presidents are, and gutting environmental regs will certainly help for a time.

So why the collapse talk, Zano?

My dystopic predictions stem from a thinner economic ice than most realize. With neither side of the aisle addressing Wall Street greed, our economy will soon be poised for another downfall. This is particularly true with a wildly incompetent president who could start a trade war, or a real one, after only 140 characters #BlusterFuck?

Our nation has been dancing along the Fiscal Cliffs of Insanity for a very long time. Under Democratic leadership we tend to cling to the edge and with Republicans, well, I hope you brought your golden parachutes. Any Republican prez would bring at least two of the three catastrophes mentioned, because these are baked into their DNA. Cytosine, Bat-guanonine? As for the looming constitutional crisis, for this area The Donald brings his own special individualistic pizzazz.

Might we end up with more than one constitutional crisis, Zano?

Geeh, I hope not …I didn’t predict that, but, yes, it’s very possible. Here’s the best opportunities for some republic-bending mischief:

The Firing of Everybody Attempting to Bring Trump to Justice:

Trump has already fired three people investigating his shenanigans and the best is yet to come. This last part will play out like Nixon meets The Jerk. Saturday Night Live Massacre? And how are our Republican friends dealing with this new disastrous course?

“Hey kids, while the republic collapses let’s get into the inner workings of our intelligence community’s procedures and deeds!”

—John Q. Republican

P.S. But as for that time the CIA shot Kennedy, meh.

Great idea, huh? My blogversary and others are essentially saying, even though Russia interfered with our election and at least five Trumpanzees met with Russian intelligence on the lead up to the election, uh, let’s stick with Benghazi.

To put the Republican FBI-wrongdoing/counter-narrative into perspective, well, it would be like standing up in court and saying, “Mr. Judge, you failed to disclose campaign donations to the prosecuting attorney’s second cousin who ran for City Council last year on Mars, and there’s a clear discrepancy in a public statement between you and the florist on 4th St. Hmmm. To save their ass-clown candidate, there are no depths to which conservatives won’t stoop. They are willing to break the rule of law over their collective knee in the name of freedom. Collective Incoherence?

The Russia Probe Reveals Serious Wrongdoings, but Congress Ignores Their Constitutional Duty:

This is the most likely scenario, and if Republicans hang onto their super majority in November, our Criminal-in-Chief may well finish his term. After Mueller’s report is released, conservatives will call the findings partisan and continue to question the investigation’s origins. Confusion GPS? The Republican counter-argument will not stand the test of time as nothing they cover ever does.

“Same as it ever was.”

—David Byrne

Trump Passes His Latest Brainfart (I will only Speak to a Certified Press):

For those too busy making up irrelevant timelines, Trump is floating the idea of only answering questions from a Trump Approved Press (TAPs). Talk about a drunk vetting party… Meanwhile, this fool hasn’t given a meaningful press conference ever, or a relevant interview since Lester Holt.

The right is trying to normalize this crapola and to some degree they’ve already succeeded. If this actually passes unnoticed, keep in mind that our president equates negative press to fake news. Sorry Mr. President …that’s my job. What’s trashing the 1st Amendment among friends?

The Weight of Trump’s Massive Corruption Breaks the Fabric of Our Institutions.

There is a huge difference between a career politician with a few questionable patches and a business man who built his entire empire on sleaze. I can hear my blogversary shout. Where’s the evidence?! Some will be revealed as part of Mueller’s report, as for a good overview-article of Trump’s corrupt baseline try The Atlantic’s There Is Only One Trump Scandal.

The foreign policy blunders of George W. Bush placed our weaknesses on the world stage for all to see. Sure we can pull off just about anything militarily, but we can’t occupy and stabilize the region. Today, I wouldn’t put Trump’s crew in charge of settling a ruckus at the town tavern, let alone another regime change in the Middle East. Trying to tamp down a faction of the Muslim world brought us to the brink of financial ruin last time. Assad and Putin understand this, even if Ass-Clown doesn’t. Trump is an isolationist, but three historic tweets later and who the F knows? The unraveling of the Iran Deal is a horrific development. The US is staggering toward escalation and our enemies smell blood in the swamp.

Might we end up with more than one unnecessary war, Zano?

Yes, with John Bolton on deck and his willingness to push a more neocon agenda, we have Iran regime change and North Korea as well (at least post the ass-clown summit). Yay team America! After Trump, there will be no more argument: we are no longer the good guys. Try a draft for the war in Iran. I dare you, president Ass-clown Hitler. We have met the enemy and we are them. First Vietnam, then Iraq… if we add one more strike we’re out. The only way to beat the U.S is through a series of unforced errors. For a review of unforced errors, please review the Republican platform.


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