Foghorn Leghorn Rocks Holder’s World

Foghorn Leghorn Rocks Holder’s World

Washington, DC – It was history in the making when Senator Lindsey Graham nailed Attorney General Eric Holder’s skinny ass on national television.  It was so cool that I still can’t stand up without bustin’ a zipper. Doing his best “Ahm frum thu south ahn ah tahlk like a Looney Tunes roo-stuh”, Senator Graham asked Holder all the questions he couldn’t possibly answer. The following is an exact quote (but, keep in mind, I was on cold medicine at the time).

“Well now, Ah-say ah-say yah cain’t take a prizzonnuh on the battlefield, interruhgate his ass for ye-uhs without Mirandizin hium, and send hium tuh a Federal cowert fo ah civil triuhl without they-uh being some question as to the legality of the whole sichiashun. That is, uh, unless one wuz to assume they-uh was some unduhlyin agenda for embarassin a previous President to deflect from the current state of affaiuhs, unduhmiuhnin the CIA and our brave boys in unifo-uhm, and possible getting the bastuhds owff on uh technicality. Fuythuhmo-er, If ya start Mirandizin all the prizzonuhs you take on thuh battlefield, that don’t leave a whole lot of wayz or tahm fo-er the CIA to get its intelligence, now does-ah-say-does it, mistuh Holder?”

That was good for me.  Was it good for you?

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Mick Zano

Mick Zano

Mick Zano is the Head Comedy Writer and co-founder of The Daily Discord. He is the Captain of team Search Truth Quest and is currently part of the Witness Protection Program. He is being strongly advised to stop talking any further about this, right now, and would like to add that he is in no way affiliated with the Gambinonali crime family.