State Dinner Menu Leaked? French Toast And French Fries For Macron Visit?

Tweet Tower—President Donald Trump is hosting French President Emmanuel Macron for a state dinner next week. The visit is in honor a 250 year friendship between France and the United States. The White House planned to keep the dinner menu secret, but the event details have already been leaked to the press. The leaker claims, “The Trump Administration will be serving a seven course meal that includes everything with the name ‘French’ in it.”

The scoop of the alleged menu details originally covered by McClatchy:

First Course: Hors d’oeuvres (a French word)

Second Course: French Onion soup

Third Course: French Bread

Fourth Course: French Toast and French Fries (in sandwich form) with French’s Mustard on the side

Fifth Course: French Bean Salad with Kraft French Dressing

Sixth Course: French Fancies

Seventh Course: French Brulee, French Silk pie and Chocolate Cake (for the president ONLY) served with French Vanilla ice cream

Dinner to be served with choice of French Roast coffee or French 75 cocktail.

The meal will be followed by a presentation from Victor French Jr. on French fashion and French hookers.

The last such event occurred when then President George W. Bush hosted Nicolas Sarkozy in November of 2007. The event caused a bit of an international incident, however, after the Bush Administration chose to serve waffles (which, as it turns out, originated in Holland, but was later popularized by Belgium *Wafflepedia). Paris Hilton then presented on: “How the French really fucked up the whole Louisiana Purchase thing.”


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