Spoof News

Satire at its finest.

Ode To Those Bygone Days When The GOP Only Relied On Foreign Interference To Win Elections

So hold on Fox & Friends, I’m supposed to be sad about the supposed railroading of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn? You know, the semi-treasonous, perjuristic, Logan’s Run-act-esque, compromised-as-hell Trumpster, who’s probably still covering for the worst president in history? Fine, the worst president in history was James Buchanan. And, yes, I predicted that Old Buck would pay a steep political price for ignoring the growing polarization in 1858, right here on The Discord—back in those days you had to etch your words onto the laptop screen with a chisel. And schools didn’t close for a lousy pandemic, hell, for the black plague I had to bring in a rat for show & tell. Need I remind our republican friends, they are the ones who consistently appoint the strictest judges, pass our strictest laws, and are always the first to forfeit our liberties for security (sung to the tune of Lock Her Up). Post 9/11, you folks handed every tool in the shed to our intelligence community and now you complain about it when it uncovers both foreign interference and domestic liars?

Fun Fact: When William Barr is done revamping the DOJ, he will only sharpen and hone said tools for the New Republican, and he will then start carving up any perceived political threats like an X-mas goose (War on Christmas joke sold separately).

For those innocent-until-proven-guilty folks …uh, Flynn was found guilty, in fact, he pleaded down to lying to the Feds for “cooperating.” All sales are final, unless you’re a Trump goon. The US would be better served following my simple guideline: innocent until proven republican.

Vegas Opening Just The ‘Circus’ of Circus Circus and The ‘New York’ of The New York-New York

Las Vegas, NV—The City of Las Vegas was scrutinized last week when the Mayor of Sin City, Carolyn Goodman, suggested using her citizens as guinea pigs “to get the dice rolling,” so to speak, on what many are calling a case of premature reinstate-tiation. She didn’t exactly refer to Vegas as America’s guinea pig, but rather “the Flamingos in the Golden Nugget mine.” The Governor’s first plan, aka Casheen-o Royale, involved three phases: gambling-only for seven days, followed by the reintroduction of booze on week two, and finally, the pièce-of-ass de ré·sis·tance, social-distancing prostitution, or SDP on week three (not to be confused with that other associated acronym). Long Dong Silver is the only VIP member to give the go ahead for phase III and, despite the Governor’s office working long and hard on this one, the idea was eventually scrapped in favor of Operation Covid Roulette, in which only the first part of everything in Vegas that consists of two of the same name can reopen.

Pope Dispatches Vatican Exorcist To White House

Tweet Tower—The Vatican senses a great evil in the world, a disturbance in the force, an unholy bunching in the crotch of mankind’s panties. To the backdrop of the increasingly incoherent ramblings of the American president, Pope Francis demands action. By all accounts, Donald Trump is not the expected version of the antichrist, in fact, stark Biblical inconsistencies place his holiness squarely on the gobsmacked side of flummoxed. “The scripture insists the antichrist would come in the form of a handsome silver-tongued, charismatic leader,” said the Pope, “The New Testament describes a worthy advisory who would fool the world into falling into shadow—not a dickless, tiny-handed despot-wannabe.” The Pope quickly walked back his comments, “Fine, he may have a penis but it’s what we in Rome call piccolo. Look, we were really banking on Obama here; he would have been perfect for the role! Anyway, we must not take the gospel as gospel, we must take it with a pillar of salt.”

Jedi Cheerleaders Perfecting The Social Distancing Pyramid

Tython—By all Wookiepedia accounts, the Jedi homeworld is way ahead of the galactic curve in preparing for the return of football this coming fall. Mastering social distance cheerleading is a small, but critical step in the return to football normalcy—a normalcy hinged on the existence of the force, a cosmic power that binds all matter to allow for the perfecting of an important form of telekinetic, motivational gymnastics.

Over COVID Safety Concerns, Cohen And Manafort Released Back Into The Trump Administration

Tweet Tower—With the coronavirus ravaging our prison system, the WH, in conjunction with the DOJ, reasoned it would be safer if Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, and his former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, returned safely into the fold. Critics claim this is further proof of the president’s cronyism or an attempt to derail their tell-all-books slated for publication. The WH is already calling this ‘Fake Books’ and pointed to the absurdity of someone in Trump’s inner-circle having the ability to read and/or write. President Trump said, “Don’t worry, every day I’ll make them pee in a cup. Not sure why, but Putin says if I send both pee tapes to him, he’ll send the original video of mine back to pee …to me.”

Biden Vets Hugh Jackman, Mr. Clean, And Clint Eastwood’s Empty Chair For Potential Running Mate

Washington—Those close to Joe Biden claim he is very close to choosing someone who will be very close to him, a running mate. Many are concerned, however, that each time he narrows down the field, they’re always different choices and some aren’t even people. Last week he told his campaign manager, “I got it down to three: Citizen Z, Lassie, or Stephen Colbert, but the one from Jon Stewart, not the one currently on late night.”

WH Offers Ten Step Plan To Save Trump’s Approval Rating And Possibly Your Business

  1. Unlock the front door. This can be done from the inside of the door, or from the outside if you have a key.

  2.  Swing the sign around to OPEN. Now it’s going to say closed from the inside, but don’t let that scare you! You’re OPEN!

  3.  I don’t know what you do, but whatever it is start doing it. Make stuff, bake stuff, sell stuff and then Reince.Priebus.Repeat.

Meth Labs To Receive Stimulus Package

Undisclosed Location—Every meth lab will be receiving something extra from the government this week to help them through the hard times. Many small businesses are receiving bailouts, so why not support the very engines running our rural communities? Hours after President Trump gutted any oversight for the latest two trillion-dollar stimulus bill, he announced several controversial decisions, not the list of which was the addition of meth labs to the list of small businesses eligible for a stimulus. In fact, those packages should be arriving several days earlier than any of the other ones, and they can temporarily help curb the sensation of tiny bugs crawling under your skin. An additional 100-billion is also slated for the president’s own administration after he officially designated it a disaster area earlier today.

Dangerous Therianthropic Kingdom In Wardrobe “Looking Pretty Good Right Now” For One Youngster

Upper Narnia–Amidst these crushing COVID restrictions, young Carry Schuster is getting really sick of playing in her room, yet she has clear reservations about slipping through the portal located near the back of her wardrobe closet. The six-year-old is uncomfortable with the unwelcome visits from one, Mr. Numbnuts. She describes the visitor as part lark and part banter, or what the ancient Greeks referred to as a Satire. If her Governor’s shelter-in-place order continues much longer, the shadowy world of ravenous mammalic-hybrids sounds like a much better bet. Since Carry lives in a southern state, she can either limit her social activities to Sunday mass or risk becoming CarryKibble in parts unknown. After listening to the last few emergency White House briefings, she is currently packing her things and would now like everyone to refer to her as, Chew Toy.

Ivanka Shares With Kudlow: Just How Big Daddy Wanted My Boobies To Be

Tweet TowerDirector of the National Economic Council, Larry Kudlow, sidestepped his comments back in February 25th, otherwise known as: “We have contained this. I won’t say airtight, but it’s pretty close to airtight, and while the outbreak is a human tragedy, it will likely not be an economic tragedy.” I guess he meant to say ‘airborne.’ Oh, and I added the italics because I learned how to do that recently. Instead of defending his recent comments, Mr. Kudlow shifted his focus to Ivanka Trump’s breasts, asking her, “We all know your father prefers big breasts, dear, so was he ever encouraging you to augment your boobages?” Yes, one of our top economic gurus used the word boobages.