Tag Archive for saitre

A Room In The Hand Is Worth More Than Sleeping In A Bush

Naked Woman Attacks Diners During Waffle House Rampage

waffle houseMLThis is the first non-fiction headline to appear on The Discord. It’s not ours. Discord News Alert: we can not compete with this. It’s important to understand one’s limitations as this is simply beyond our current comedic abilities. To add insult to spoofery, on the same day our lead anchor, Matt Mathewson, informed me of a second headline: Red Power Ranger Murders Roommate With Conan Sword. Seeing headlines like these should inspire me, but they only compel me to attack random diners in some Waffle House with a Conan sword, preferably naked.

Jindal Claims He Never Recovered From Trump’s Anchor Baby Comments

bobby Jindal is an anchor baby

Bobby Jindal is dropping out of the presidential race and is blaming republican frontrunner, Donald Trump. The Donald claimed the only real “dropping” originated with his parents. Trump believes Jindal’s very foreign parents abandoned him on the steps of the Louisiana Governor’s office at the tender age of 34. He was then taken in by then Governor, Kathleen Blanco, who he eventually replaced by locking her out of her own home when she went out to get the groceries in 2007.