Could Eastwood’s Empty Chair Get The VP Nod?

clinteastwoodandthechairTampa Bay, FL—Clint Eastwood’s chair is once again making a bit of a stir on the campaign trail. The chair, best known for its appearance during the 2012 Republican National Convention, told reporters it has received several calls from Republican frontrunners regarding the possibility of joining their ticket. The chair was pivotal in helping Clint Eastwood help Mitt Romney lose the 2012 general election. Since its controversial debut in Tampa Bay, the chair fell out of the spotlight. It eventually ended up in a rundown apartment in Sarasota where the chair spent the last few years as a recluse. It was rarely seen in public unless more than three guests arrived for meals or card games.

Inspired by the ongoing vitriol toward the establishment, the chair shook off the cobwebs and gave what many are calling a rousing speech yesterday outside of Stan’s Antique Store on State Street. Critics are claiming the venue suggests the chair is too old to hold public office. After the speech a reporter asked the chair about the chance of an independent run. The chair said, “No, but if the republican nominee were to ask, I would heed the call. Besides, The Daily Discord already has Dr. Evil making an independent run and the jokes would be too similar.”

Of course, the chair didn’t say that, per se. Discord contributor Alex Bone is acting as the chair’s agent. He claims this is the chair’s wishes. He acts as a liaison to reporters and delivers important speeches on the chair’s behalf. As an inanimate object, the chair feels it would “balance the ticket nicely by bridging the gap between where The GOP is now and where it is heading.”

Alex Bone added, “Also, think about the savings! The chair wouldn’t need benefits of any kind and there would be no need for the Secret Service. Were the chair to be shot, such an action would only embolden its resolve. Oh, and the chair also wants me to get 50% of the proceeds of any speaking engagements.”

The chair is also allegedly suing The Discord for its last controversial coverage in 2012:

clint eastwood's chair. identify of person identified as Clyde the Orangutan from the every which way movies

Full story, here.

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