Monthly Archives: January 2012

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

Though I actually have no real question, I’d like to offer ‘you’ some advice. After all, I am in a wonderful, long-term monogamous relationship built on love, respect, and trust.


Dear RS,

Is that you Santorum? I told you to stop hitting my contact button because I think you’re a douche.

The Ghetto Shaman

P.S. Oh, and I’m seeing your wife and she thinks you’re a douche too. So is Gingrich by the way (no surprise there).

P.P.S. And I’m taking your son fishing this weekend.

P.P.P.S.  Oh, and nice liquor cabinet, but sorry about the scotch thing.

Does the Colbert Surge Mark the End for America?

Does the Colbert Surge Mark the End for America?
Mick Zano

Many are mortified how well right wing radical, Stephen Colbert, is polling in the South Carolina Primary. He’s holding at 5%, polling considerably better than John Huntsman, who since stated, “I might as well join the f*^%ing Peace Corps.” Some feel this comedic surge may eventually shift Colbert into the position as the anti-Romney candidate. These same folks feel this eventuality could change life as we know it forever!

There was a recent post on that addressed this Colbertian phenomenon and it was a funny article indeed. CNN is now boasting they’re the ‘Colbert No Nomination’ channel. I think, since this “journalist” never admitted he was joking, he’s fair game, so let’s begin:

“Simply put: Colbert must be stopped! He is an existential threat to our way of life and to the exceptional nature of our nation.”

Dean Obeidallah CNN

Well said, sir! The Colbert demographic is an interesting one. His supporters are comprised of a Conservative amalgam, half of which are so disgusted with their own party they’d rather vote for a comedian in lieu of a legitimate candidate, and a second group so stupid they think Colbert is actually a Republican. These are two factions of our society so sinister that, were they to join forces, it would create a tsunami of neoconservative nonsense not seen since the last Republican debate. That’s my quote, not Dean’s. We are of one mind on this. Colbert could well capture the evangelical vote, because 1.) they are not happy with Mormons or any candidate from that “Cult”, and 2.) the best adjective that describes this faction of our society sounds very much like the word “Mormons”.

“I know some will dismiss the threat posed by Colbert — these apologists will defend him as ‘harmless’ or say he’s no more than ‘a charismatic speaker’ — but that is exactly what they said about Hitler.”

Dean Obeidallah CNN

Yes, Hitler was a comedian too. As people were marched into the gas chambers, Hitler would often announce things over the loud speakers like, “Later hosens!” or “I shot a Jew in my pajamas this morning. How he got in my pajamas I don’t know.” But if the drummer missed one of the ba-dum-dums, he’d shoot them in the head. Hitler took comedy seriously; what else could possibly explain his moustache? A covert group known as Monty Python believed Hitler was actually trying to counter the creation of the funniest joke—a joke which proved lethal to all within earshot. The joke, now just a footnote of history, actually helped America and its allies win WWII. True story.

“In 1945 Peace broke out. It was the end of the Joke. Joke warfare was banned at a special session of the Geneva Convention, and in I950 the last remaining copy of the joke was laid to rest here in the Berkshire countryside, never to be told again.”

–Eric Idle

Dean also had this to say:

“Colbert has not been hiding his extreme views. Night after night (or four nights a week to be exact) Colbert has been spewing his venom. However, for some reason, the media have given him a free pass.”

It’s kind of like Ann Coulter, only he has admitted it’s a shtick, well, not in some many words, but it’s implied.

“And let’s not forget that Colbert admitted that he makes up facts to support his own political arguments, as he gleefully boasted once: ‘I can’t prove it, but I can say it.’”

Dean Obeidallah CNN

Holy shit, maybe Colbert is ready for Fox News! While Fox News is ideology and opinion in the guise of a news station, Colbert is a comedian in the guise of a Republican. Now, CNN, infinitely complicating the matter, has a journalist posing as a comedian, posing as a journalist, condemning a comedian posing as a Republican. Some people might say I am further complicating things as a comedian, acting like a pseudo journalist, acting like a fool. But who the hell are you to tell me what to do? You’re not Winslow, so just piss off. You aren’t Winslow, are you? Because he’s kind of mean and grumpy lately (SOPA?).

Here’s some of Obeidallah’s other concerns with Colbert’s views:

On unemployment: “Suck it up, unemployed. It is your own damn fault that you don’t have a job … So stop scapegoating Wall Street.” Do we really want an American president who sides with Wall Street over workers?

—Herman Cain, er…I mean, Stephen Colbert

On Gays: “There is nothing wrong with being gay. I have plenty of friends who are going to hell.”

—Rick Santorum, er…I mean Stephen Colbert

Immigration: “This is America. I don’t want my tomato picked by a Mexican. I want it picked by an American, then sliced by a Guatemalan, and served by a Venezuelan in a spa where a Chilean gives me a Brazilian.”

—Michele Bachmann, er…I mean Stephen Colbert

When are Republicans going to get the joke, it’s them?

“Colbert has only two qualities I like: 1. He’s a friend of Jon Stewart and 2. He has good hair. Besides that, he is a danger to our Republic.”

Dean Obeidallah CNN

That’s a good one, Dean. I would like to further lend support to Mr. Colbert by adding, he exudes truthiness and, in both polls and his comments, remains well within the margin of error.

And that’s tonight’s word.

Cyber Geek Accidentally Summons Virtual Demon

Cyber Geek Accidentally Summons Virtual Demon

Modesto,CA—Last night, 27 year old Farcus Laubstein made the fateful decision to watch the Evil Dead trilogy. He did this not long after successfully hacking into a Cyborg software site and acquiring considerable summoning points in the game Runescape. The California man allegedly downed two bottles of Arctic Devil barley wine and started reciting passages from H.P Lovecraft’s fictional grimoire, the Necronomicon, “just for a goof.”

The sinister combination created an inter-dimensional rift and a subsequent chain of diabolical events not seen since the last episode of The Apprentice.  

Laubstein was last heard screaming and gouging out his own eyeballs, which people who knew him claim may have been due to viewing the last episode of The Apprentice. He scratched only one word onto a nearby table, Nucttelmeron, which Hogbein believes is either a demon, or a hazelnut cocoa spread.

Laubstein’s home was burned to the ground along with any and all evidence of the hell spawn he unleashed. Dr. Sterling Hogbein, of the Hogbein Institute and Lube, has tried to duplicate the conditions, but has thus far only managed to summon “a wicked burp.”

His failure has not disheartened the demonologist and cross dresser. “I will repeat the conditions again and again until the desired results are reached, or my VHS tape of the Evil Dead II gives up the ghost, whichever comes first,” said Dr. Hogbein.

Winslow Removes the Discord ‘Casting Couch’ from Zano’s Office

Alex Bone

Collapsing Shack, AZ—After losing dozens of potentially talented reporters and multiple lawsuits, the Daily Discord’s CEO finally moved the official Discord ‘Casting Couch’ from Mick Zano’s office. “This latest list of atrocities and abuses marked the last straw,” said CEO Pierce Winslow. “And this time I mean it!”

As a result, threats, blubbering, and attempted bribery were heard echoing up and down the halls of Discord Central today.

“What can you expect?” said Winslow. “Do you see a lot of women working here? Guess why that is? Yep, it’s because either Mick Zano or the Ghetto Shaman scares them off. That and the fact we have no toilets in the rest room. And don’t even get me started on what they make the interns do. At this point, the only college that still sends us any is that damn Hogbein Institute and Multiplex. And the last one I got from there thought the World Wide Web was something from the Lord of the Rings.”

In his defense, Zano brought up the fact Cokie McGrath still worked for the Discord, “so we can’t be all bad.”

Winslow then pointed out the fact McGrath has filed no less than seven restraining orders against Zano and is even beginning to doubt whether or not he can truly “make her a star.”

When Zano was given a chance for a rebuttal, he had this to say. “This is completely unfair. Four of those restraining orders are completely unjustified.” And somewhere in the background someone did that badha bah, drum thing.

“Winslow could have at least waited until the Swedish exchange student bikini team had finished their tour,” added the Shaman.

Winslow countered by saying, “and I’m taking away that damn Badha bah drummer too!”

I caught up to local horror writer Michael D. Griffiths, who tends to lurk around the office looking for free pastries, and asked him if he knew of any inappropriate behavior going on within the halls of the Discord.

“Umm, as long as begging, screaming, panting, grunting, bribing, pleading, demanding, hanging up porn calendars, third party harassment, quid pro quo, inappropriate emails, asking to wife swap, hanging up flyers for office orgies, giving crude gifts, pinching, hugging, froughting, naughty pantomiming, knee licking, trying to get other employee to give out their daughter’s cell numbers, and hiring topless dancers for lunch breaks are okay, then I think these guys are pretty well behaved,” said Griffiths.

Mr. Griffiths later admitted, however, the Ghetto Shaman’s list would be “considerably longer.”

So as you can see, even with the loss of the infamous Casting Couch not much will probably change around Discord Central. When we asked Winslow where it would go, he said he was considering giving the couch to the Crank. “That guy needs something to cheer him up.”

Now you have to excuse me, the Crank is researching which bar has the best PBR pour in Mesa and the new interns from the institute are due to arrive any minute. Can you open a locked door with a church key? I mean they must call them keys for some reason.

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

Lemme’ Teech U Sumpin’, G-H-E-T-T-O. Shaman spelled backwards is Na Mahs, loosely translated from the Sanskrit-Pictish means NO MAS. Hang up yo’ diaper, ‘cuz yo schtick is gettin’ stale. Listen dude, I am a longtime fan. You need to start sellin’ sum T-Shirts or sumpin’. Bring back the Juice! By the way, you STILL owe me $20, bitch.
‘Lil Trump.

Uoldhaunts, PA

Dear ‘Lil Trump,

Twenty dollar make you holler! I spent your twenty in Thailand, but I swear that boy was at least sixteen. You have to be more specific. I owe a lot of people money. When we do sell T-shirts I will send you one, in lieu of the twenty.

The Ghetto Shaman

P.S. But I have a copyright on bitch, bitch…and a prescription for penicillin.

2011 The Discord’s Person of the Year

The Crank

Representative Anthony Weiner, or ex-rep anyway, embodies all that is wrong with the world in a nutsack—er, nutshell. Do we remember any legislation he was responsible for writing or passing? No. Has he left the world a better place? No. Did he respect the office? Well, maybe the TV show.

We remember Representative Anthony Weiner (RAW) for being RAW. We remember when he tweeted his peter. If he can’t make Time’s Man of the Year award then let’s, for lack of a better word, thrust the title The Discord’s Member of the Year upon him (pardon the pud). And least we never forget that fateful day when someone named Weiner, a Congressman no less, sent someone a picture of his own…now what should we call it? Tubesteak, kielbasa, rod, howitzer, stiffy, trouser-snake, willy, Clinton, bazooka, weapon of mass dickstruction, trouser-ferret, pole, painless pole, pecker, boner, thing, piece, member, tool, package, shaft, chub, wankie, doinker, ding a ling, ding dong, meat popsicle, big kosher…

Winslow’s Comment:

The colloquialisms for penis went on for several pages. After receiving this submission, I immediately sent the police to the The Crank’s residence for a welfare check. But when the police arrived he shouted, “I’m up to P, what’s another name for penis? Wait! I got it, pork-sword. Thanks.” And slammed the door.

I did sift through this monstrously schlong list for some politically relevant ones: member of Congress, Richard M. Nixon, demacrotch, Zogby pole, and calling the erection.

We now bring you the rest of The Crank’s feature already in progress.

…stinky pickle, third leg, tonsil tickler, heat-seeking moisture missile, kosher beef bayonet, skin flute, Mr. Happy Johnson, Captain Winky, One-Eyed Willy, purple headed warrior, flesh trombone?

He did this all to impress some virtual woman, probably using a picture of Jessica Alba as her avatar. Oh, and all the while he’s married to Hillary Clinton’s very pregnant right hand woman and main assistant. It was like “Lets see, what could I possibly do today that would totally fuck up this great thing I have going?”

What a dork. Wait, there’s another one! Fill-a-buster, or does that only work if he’s gay?

He is just like all the rest, getting paid to do the people’s business, all the while thinkin’ of “dooin” the people instead.

There should be a ‘common sense’ test to see if you are worth the money you will be paid. This could be extended for all Government employees, all professional athletes, and all Hollywood celebrities. It would be a multiple choice test, kinda like dis:

Question 1:

If you find yourself with some extra time and extraordinarily large sums of money on your hands, your first choice of action would be:

  1. Choke some pit bull dogs to death (as did Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Michael Vick).
  2. Drop your illegal, loaded handgun on the dance floor of a New York club from the waistband of your sweat suit and shoot yourself in the ass (as did Plaxico Burress, ex-New York Giant).
  3. Leave a nasty drunken voice message on your young daughter’s cell phone cursing her as loudly as you can (as did Alec Baldwin).
  4. Tweet pictures of your penis to young girls (as did Anthony’s Weiner).
  5. Have some McNuggets.

If you’re too fargin’ stoopid to pass this little exam, you forego the money and go back to flipping fucking Whoppers…oh, wait , there’s another one! Just a Willy on Capital Hilly!

Walk-a-proud Tony, walk-a-proud.

The Crank

Obama Falls Behind on White House Mortgage Payments

Obama Falls Behind on White House Mortgage Payments

Washington, DC—President Barak Obama admitted during a press conference today that the recent rumors are true: the Obama Administration has fallen behind on its mortgage payments. However, the President is adamantly denying claims he and his family will be forced to move out of the White House and into the audio visual room at the Library of Congress.

When asked how this happened, Obama did not blame his own economic team, but instead pointed the finger at his predecessor. “You would think this bitch would have been paid off centuries ago, but old W did some kind of reverse mortgage thing that botched everything up,” said Obama.

Rush Limbaugh immediately defended our former President. “Obama can’t blame Bush on this one. He has been in that house for three years. This is his mortgage and he needs to take responsibility for his own financial failings.”

Ironically, Obama does not qualify for any of his own mortgage relief programs. “They suggested I fall behind another couple of payments before even applying,” said Obama. “Who dreamt this shit up?”

When asked if he planned to move his family into the Jefferson Memorial, Obama said, “Too drafty. There are some good rates over at the Watergate Hotel in Foggy Bottom, but I could just see the headlines now.”