Mick Zano

Mick Zano

During Victory Speech Hillary Tears Off Biden Mask Before Mounting Broomstick

Washington—At the onset of Joe Biden’s victory speech, to the horror of onlookers, the president-elect suddenly tore his own face off revealing the visage of Hillary Clinton! The former Secretary of State cackled wildly before shouting, “I’ll get you, my deplorables, and your little Barr too!” She then vaulted a broomstick in a snazzy blue pantsuit and flew off into the night, presumably toward 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Sure Trump Is An Impeached Felon, But Can We Add Traitor To His Resume?

My friend is still a little out of the loophole with regard to Trump’s ongoing crime spree, therefore, I must, as duty dictates, return to the trenches in an attempt to enlighten the floundering republican brain. And for this noble act you may call me a Bloghisattva. What? …too much? Here’s the thing, over on FB my friend asked me to name one thing that Trump did that can be considered a crime, which is tougher than it looks …to narrow down. He then pointed to the clear D crimes over the years, a list that included Bill Clinton’s speech wherein he charged Moscow his usually speaking engagement fees, Hillary’s missing emails, and Hunter Biden’s dubious paychecks from Keiv. I suppose in opposite world these are the worst things to have happened since Benghazi. While my friend is napping, what the rest of us have learned is twofold: first off, those of a certain tax bracket seem above the law entirely, especially with regard to the tax code. Second, there’s also a significant executive cushion that is further protecting our commander and chief from legal consequences. By using these two additional safety nets a con-man has exposed our country for the banana republic that it has become. So let’s just list the clear crimes, mainly because I have to make an appearance at work sometime next week.

Please Add Burisma, Spygate & Unmasking To The List Of ‘Dumb Shit Republicans Say’

My friend and blogvesary responded to my last post and for that I’m grateful, mostly. But it doesn’t change the fact he’s still knee-deep in Foxal matter, oblivious to what’s coming in November. “You’re not making any sense, Zano!” I’m afraid nothing this far down the rabid hole is going to make sense to you, my friend. I do still enjoy our exchanges, but only for the same reason I keep eating ice cream despite a lactose intolerance [‘Fifty shades of sorbet’ joke removed by Tom Carvel]. Even after decades of debate, my friend still can’t acknowledge that each and every one of his ‘scandals’ had its day in court and ended with some republican judge, senator, or special prosecutor finding no crimes. You may not be aware of these conclusions, because Fox News will repeat this crap for years on end before making a smooth transition to the scroller—the moving ticker just underneath the blonde newscaster—for those inconvenient court findings. No retraction, apology, or further explanation necessary. I’d like to shove all of Fox New’s supposed journalists face-first off Trump’s ego. Anchors Away? I think for Pokey’s crusades we stand at zero indictments and counting. This is a QA-non-starter for me, and yet my friend still demands payment in full. Seek and thou shalt still fine?

Twitter Green Lights ‘Trump Tweet Generator’ Should President Become Incapacitated By COVID

Tweet Tower—President Trump assured the country today that his rambly and often inappropriate executive tweets will continue, regardless of his condition. POTUS, along with several of his key aides, has successfully created a series of tweets ahead of time. These will be posted at random intervals should the president become incapacitated by his present illness. Vice President Mike Pence said, “Some of these tweets were created ahead of time by the president himself, but in an algorithm fashion so he can continue to comment regardless of who won the big match, or even the outcome of my upcoming vice presidential debate with Kamala Harris. There’s also a Halloween tweet that pokes fun at a Hillary Clinton mask, ha ha ha #LockHerUp. And, of course, there are some more Sleepy Joe tweets, and who could resist a few Pocahontas quips? Not this president. Even more exciting, new Twitter technologies made possible the creation of a Trump Tweet Generator that pieces together a hodgepodge of insults and capitalized words from existing tweets. These contain all the exclamation points, giant caps, and grammar mistakes that you’ve come to expect from this president. In this way, he can continue to tweet important messages directly to his follower for many years to come, regardless of his recovery or his condition #PostedDeadOrAlive.”

Did Trump Use Crib Notes During The Debate?

Shortly into the first presidential debate between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, it became painfully clear the president had words scrawled across his right hand. Has the president taken a page from Sarah Palin’s similar hijinx in 2008? Is this more of her handiwork, pardon the pun? Palin was believed to have cheated herself in a similar manner during her own Vice Presidential debate back in 2008 …with the same person. I don’t believe in coincidences and neither does anyone in my family, which might just be a coincidence. Palin is denying claims she coached the president to use crib notes in tonight’s debate and is downplaying the timing of her odd challenge to primary Senator Lisa Murkowski in Alaska. Was this an intentional red herring? Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said, “This is a new low for Trump. Kidding. We would need digging equipment that has yet to be invented for that. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) added, “In Trump’s defense, the five words scrawled on his hands were all spelled correctly. He must have had help #Grammerly.”

Trump Extends Moratorium On White House Evictions Until 2028

Tweet Tower—The Head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Head HUDder Ben Carson told reporters today, “HUD vows to protect the president’s home and avoid any premature executiviction. No one wants to see the president homeless.  We’re calling this initiative our POTUS Eviction Prevention Program. It’s not just the president, his entire extended family uses this place like a cheap motel. Could you imagine if Eric and Don Jr. were left to their own devices? They’re simply not ready. The entire Trump clan must remain on that property, perhaps indefinitely. So we at HUD are doing our part by extending our moratorium on all real estate removals from the White House until 2028. We’re already colluding with Russia on this one as part of Operation Stay Putin.”

How About We Take A Knee Every Time A Republican Speaks

My friend and blogvesary started his own version of Cult 45 over on FB. I posted on his feed a bit before the inevitable trolls, intent on driving any meaningful engagement into the dirt, surfaced. I wrote numerous articles on my own decision to bow out of the FB phenomenon (circa 2011). Arguing with friends and family is fool’s errand …and Pokey is that fool. The pattern, that my friend misses post-after-post and year-after-year, has always been clear to me. I recognized, long ago, the false narrative being created on the right would one day topple our constitution, our courts, our economy, and our environment. News Flash: that day came and went. My predictions were right, yet you have no idea the chaos and misery you have fomented, even now? Sometimes a 20-year heads-up just isn’t long enough, eh Poke? It’s rather insulting that months or years after making certain observations that republicans simply turn the chart upside down and start hurling the same accusations leftward. My recent article on fascism, here. I also warned how the left would follow suit as a reaction, yet last week in a post entitled You know who you are! my friend accused the liberals of being the fascists. Say wie geht’s to Herr Goebbles for me.

Republicans Must Defend Their 1st Amendment Right To Lie

Republicans don’t give a damn about free speech; they only want to defend their own bullshit. They’re intent on dismantling our Constitution in the name of greed, and if a side effect of this post-truth world allows for a criminal kingpin to occupy the oval office indefinitely, cest le vie. Caveat emperor? Defending the republican’s right to lie is where the rightwing allegiance to our first amendment begins and ends. They’re not constitutionalists; they’re snake oil salesmen. The GOP is fixated on suppressing voter turnout, keeping America white, expanding the militarized-industrialized complex, and accelerating the disparity of wealth. And amidst that busy schedule, they found the time to dismantle our 1st Amendment. My friend and blogvesary, the Pokester, is pointing to the liberal attacks on our first amendment and, as usual, ignoring the elephant in the room. Wake up! No, really, if you’re supporting a Trump-redo you’ve obviously sustained a serious head injury and if you fall asleep you could suffer a cerebral hemorrhage.

Next Stimulus Check Must Be Exchanged For Smaller, Less Suspicious Amounts Or Cashed In At Local Casino

Tweet Tower—The President is pleased to announce the next round of stimulus checks have passed Congress and most Americans are eligible for this phase of the pandemic bailouts. However, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned the press today the latest stimulus package comes with some set stipulations. “Anyone receiving the funds must do one of three things,” said Mnuchin. “You can either turn the check into smaller amounts through a number of legal transactions, cover up the money via creative bookkeeping, or turn the check in for chips at any participating casino or Trump property.”