Spoof News




Obama Refuses to Dismantle Bush’s All Seeing Eye

Washington, DC—President Obama told reporters this Tuesday, “The eye stays put.”  Obama insists his decision to keep the All Seeing Eye, currently mounted atop the Washington Monument, is not an attempt to maintain Bush-like levels of executive power.  The President adamantly denied allegations that the office has changed him.  He went on to dodge questions about using fear to push policy, his continued use of earmarks and signing statements, as well as his complete refusal to investigate the previous administration on any front.  President Obama then assured the press that he would only send armies of orcs and goblins to get the “bad guys who mean us harm.”  The change in the President’s demeanor has drawn harsh criticism from both Democrats and Republicans alike.  Some fear Obama may be unwilling to hurl the One Ring into the Fires of Mount Doom at the end of his term.  Obama received the One Ring only after it was bitten from, then Vice President, Dick Cheney’s finger by Rahm Emmanuel on Inauguration Day.

Furloughed TSA Worker Not Even Trying To Find Drugs Up Man’s Rectum

Chicago—The ongoing shutdown is impacting millions of Americans and the willingness of the unpaid masses to keep performing their critical roles is waning. TSA agent Harry Stiles is one man who’s bearing the brunt of this political impasse. Word came in yesterday that an individual was smuggling enough heroin on his person to fund Trump’s team of attorneys for…

This Day in History: Elias Issa Heads to Salem After Allegations Surface of Witchcraft

This Day in History: Jed Issa Heads to Salem after Allegations Surface of Witchcraft

Salem, MA—On this day in history in 1692, Elias Issa, the great-great-great-great grandfather of Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), climbed onto a long wagon train heading East. He braved the over 3,000 mile trek from Vista California to Salem, overcoming heat, anti-native American football slogans, and early liberal bias “just to hang some chicks.”

Elias Issa, then the head of the God-I-Still-Miss-the-Inquisition subcommittee, was a Puritan conservative investigator known for his harsh sentencing and B.O. Throughout his tenor Issa remained determined to bring young ladies, who often gave him bad thoughts at night before bedtime, to justice. He also investigated allegations of farmers abusing their sheep, who often gave him bad thoughts at night before bedtime.

Issa is credited with the successful prosecutions in Salem before turning his attention to a long line of heretical astronomers as well as some of those “fucking Quakers.”


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