Mick Zano

Mick Zano

Mick Zano is the Head Comedy Writer and co-founder of The Daily Discord. He is the Captain of team Search Truth Quest and is currently part of the Witness Protection Program. He is being strongly advised to stop talking any further about this, right now, and would like to add that he is in no way affiliated with the Gambinonali crime family.

Seven Minutes to Last Call: The Discord Doomsday Clock

L. Wolfe

Seven Minutes to Last Call: The Discord Doomsday Clock

In 1947, the board of directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago first published the Doomsday Clock.  It reflected the potential for catastrophic destruction of human kind (initially from nuclear annihilation and eventually from Daily Discord articles).

Currently, this doomsday clock includes such things as global climate change.  Initially the thing was set at seven minutes to midnight, where midnight signified doomsday, but Dr. Sterling Hogbein, of the Hogbein Institute and Lube, has a different idea.  He believes this may well represent bar time, thus we may have an extra 10-15 minutes. This subjective and meaningless clock has been changed 18 times since 1947 and now rests at five minutes to midnight.  When it reached 10 to midnight, it apparently spawned a Charles Bronson movie of the same name. 

I don’t know what the big deal is, who picked seven minutes anyway?  Why not set the damned thing to 59 minutes to midnight for starters.  Then we’d still have 57 minutes with or without Hogbein’s bar time hypothesis).  Consider it Doomlight savings—unless you’re in Arizona (weirdos).

We here at the Discord have created our own “doomsday” clock, this one we call Seven Minutes to Last Call.  Unlike its predecessor, this clock is all-inclusive.  It covers threats to all sorts of mind-altering recreational pastimes.  This will solve many of the current problems with the doomsday clock, and accounts for Hogbein’s lost bar time minutes. 

Our resident expert on mind-bending, The Ghetto Shaman, has been instrumental in assisting us in establishing this clock.  We initially set our clock at seven minutes to midnight but quickly realized that, at least in the U.S., we were actually closer to midnight than we originally opined.  Therefore, we have advanced the clock to seven seconds to midnight.  Unless some sort of Real Change We Can Count On, You Betcha actually occurs, which coincidentally may be Sarah Palin’s campaign slogan.  We propose a couple of immediate steps to retard the clock:

  1. Legalize marijuana for Pete’s sake.  Do you know how many harmless non-violent people we arrest every year on pot charges?  We could save hundreds of thousands of dollars in the state of Pennsylvania just on the Ghetto Shaman alone. Meanwhile, California is already well on its way to achieving legalization.  Once the tax benefit is realized, we predict this trend will expand more rapidly across the U.S. than the West Nile Virus.
  2. Build a bunch of nice bridges over the dried up Rio Grande and charge $2 per vehicle to enter the U.S. from Mexico.  This way we actually generate some decent revenue from the drug trade rather than it bleeding us dry, too.  Second, when returning people to Mexico take their cash and sell all their belongings on EBay.  It will also help cut down on illegal aliens.  I mean, who would try again after being dropped off in Tijuana, in the middle of the night, naked?
  3. Send the Mafia to Afghanistan. We would protect the poppies and siphon a couple dozen percent right off the top like the Taliban have been doing for years.  Why burn these fields to deny funding to the Taliban and other War Lord types?  Seems to me, it’s damn good money.  How about us getting a piece of the poppy, peeps?  And what could benefit the poor Afghani farmers and their emerald-eyed daughters more than Mafia control of their poppy crop?  We’d steal less of their profits than the Taliban or War Lords, and we’d provide them better protection with Benny the Hump and Izzy the Nose. 
  4. Make peyote a national treasure and establish “Mile High Peyote National Park” in Southwestern Texas and offer visitors an out of body experience.  The Ghetto Shaman would be an excellent Park Ranger and spiritual guide for such an endeavor.  I hear he has some free time these days and some extra Bellagio Casino chips on his hands.
  5. Kennett Square, PA is touted as the “Mushroom Capital of the World” and they only grow the mushrooms mother gives you, which don’t do anything at all.  Let them start growing some of those fancy little psilocybin babies and you’ll really see a boom in the mushroom industry.  Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase Cap and Trade. 
  6. Write your congressman, congresswoman, or congress-creep and let’s get some real change we can count on by legalizing mind altering substances.  We can push back that Doomsday Clock for at least 10 hours, or at least until we stop tripping.

Massive Bird Droppings Reported In Arkansas and Louisiana

Massive Bird Droppings Reported In Arkansas and Louisiana

Beebe, AK—Reports of birds dropping from the sky continue across south central U.S. Historic documents indicate massive bird droppings on Mayan temples have occurred as far back as the pre-classic period in Mesoamerica.

Dr. Sterling Hogbein, of the Hogbein Institute and Garage, believes “Mayan temples are just part of the story. We should not forget the numerous avian assaults throughout prehistory on outer Turdistan.”

These droppings are not dotting patterns usually associated with flock feces; these are massive coordinated attacks on the same area. Dr. Hogbein reports having watched the pigeon-shit-scene from Mel Brooks’ High Anxiety ad nauseum and concluded, it is not as good as Blazing Saddles.

Experts confirm, along with fish kills, massive bird droppings are the first sign of the end of times as prophesized by the Mayan calendar. Incidentally, these items are now discounted for obvious reasons.

As for the Four Riders of the Apocalypse, turd falls under the jurisdiction of Pestilence, who “prefers bird waste for its high levels of uric acid and its ability to fatally infect the lungs of most mammals,” said Pestilence. “Turd is win-win.”

Dr. Hogbein believes the source of these larger droppings are monstrous mythical creatures known as the Chaos Pigeons. He also links these titanic turd sightings (TTS) to the phenomenon known as Crap Circles—a story that original broke on The Daily Discord in September of this year.

Missing Snake Found Panhandling in Boston Subway

Missing Snake Found Panhandling in Boston Subway

Boston, MA—The boa constrictor, Penelope, has surfaced at a busy Boston subway stop not far from where it slithered off its owner’s neck last week.  The snake disappeared on the Red Line of the T, or the L, or the Tube, or whatever the hell the name of Boston’s subway system is. 

Subway officials offered this statement: “We’re just glad the snake could adapt to life in Boston during a recession.”

When discovered, the snake had accrued over $67.43 in change.  Unfortunately, the snake did develop a serious meth addiction during its absence and has been irritable and moody, since her rescue. Whereas Mrs. Moorhouse is pleased Penelope was recovered unharmed, she has received several threatening phone calls from her pimp, Big Freddy Jazz, demanding the snake’s immediate return.  Moorhouse is also concerned the snake’s rehab stay will not be covered by the Massachusetts state Medicaid program.

“Boston is liberal,” said Moorhouse.  “But it aint that liberal.  And, as for the picture, I don’t even remember watching the Harry Potter series with Penelope, maybe she read the books.” 

Samuel L. Jackson was quoted as saying “Keep these mother fuckin’ snakes off these mother fuckin’ trains!”

Yig was unavailable for comment.

Narnia Boasts Successful Enrichment of a Weapons-Grade Mythical Element

Narnia Boasts Successful Enrichment of a Weapons-Grade Mythical Element

Narnia—Weapon’s inspector’s confirmed many of our worst fears today.  Narnia has the ability to produce large quantities of a high yield Cintamanite, a mythical substance found only at the Fords of Beruna in east central Narnia. 

“This has great implications for the War on Fiction,” said General David Petraeus.

The White House, meanwhile, is refusing to comment on rumors the Narnians were aided in Cintamanite-enriching technologies by Canada.  

Experts believe Cintamanite can nearly double the range and effectiveness of their wooden catapults, as seen during the siege of Cair Paravel in the second film. Some believe it may also enhance the taste of certain seafood recipes.

Rush Limbaugh is using this event to further embarrass The White House.

“Obama has done nothing to prevent this.  First Iran, then North Korea, and now Narnia! What’s next on Obama’s watch…is Sauron going to reclaim Mordor?”

Prince Caspian, now deemed an agent of terror and an enemy of the real world, is claiming his troops will utilize guerrilla warfare against the U.S. if further provoked.

“Actually, it’s more of a half gorilla, half goat,” added Caspian.  “They can jump out of a cupboard anywhere, any time. Heck, they can even appear out of a picture hanging on your living room wall.  How’s Napolitano going to handle that, bitches?” 

The President encouraged Americans to keep these developments in perspective, and stated, “Narnia poses no threat to free nations. The saber rattling over in Narnia is just that, saber rattling…literally.” 

Professor Changes Twain Classic to The Adventures of Dingleberry Dan

Professor Changes Twain Classic to <i>The Adventures of Dingleberry Dan</i>” /></td>
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Auburn, AL—A professor from Auburn University, Allen Gribben, has sparked considerable controversy this week by opting to rewrite the Mark Twain classic, Huckleberry Finn.

Gribben claims, “No one reads that old shit anymore.  I thought to myself, how can our literary classics start competing again with the likes of YouTube, video games, and episodes of Jersey Shore?” 

When asked why he went with The Adventures of Dingleberry Dan, Gribben felt the name more accurately captured the essence of his less savory, hipstery main character.  Gribben hopes that by using more colloquial language in the rewrite and by adding some gratuitous sex scenes, it will actually help reintroduce Twain to the next generation.  Captain Picard was unavailable for comment.

Gribben also reports tampering with Tom Sawyer as well.  In the new version, Injun Joe’s character is a casino owning drunkard known as Rez-Rat Rick and Som Thawyer tortures animals and sets Aunt Polly on fire after she asks him to do the dishes.  Gribben created this character with the hopes that it would “better resonate with today’s youth” and claims he changed the main character’s name because “Tom Sawyer is now completely associated with that Rush song.  What was the name of that again?”

Even Mark Twain’s famous penname itself is apparently not sacred as Gribben changed it to Marked Taint.  Apparently, his real name is deemed too offensive to Shania Twain, who can now be found sharting uncontrollably throughout the revised version of Chapter four.