Obama Science Czar Holdren Calls for Forced Abortions

Obama Science Czar Holdren Calls for Forced Abortions
Rick Right Pernick

‘Comprehensive Planetary Regime could control development and distribution of all natural resources.’

Article II of the U. S. Constitution clearly states the powers and limitations of the Executive Branch of the federal government.  Of course, this is PC (pre-Cheney), and, having actually read the Constitution on a number of occasions (along with The Icky Sticky Frog), I can say with absolute certainty, nowhere does the president have the right to appoint Czars to positions of authority. First, what exactly is a Czar, besides a very tasty Imperial Stout? A Czar is a person of great power.  A Czar is essentially a monarch or an emperor. Most notably, the Czars of Russia ruled over the population with an iron hand and a foamy stout.  In its simplest terms, a Czar is a dictator (or the, aforementioned, dark beer). Obama has appointed thirty, or so, of these dark beers, or dictators (who were never confirmed by the Senate as cabinet members, as they are constitutionally required to be).  Anyway, these unconfirmed despots wield infinite power, like Sauron from the Lord of the Rings, only worse! John Holdren (who incidentally was confirmed by a voice vote in the senate and several thousand orcs) is Obama’s Dictator of Science and, according to FrontPage Magazine, wrote “There exists ample authority under which population growth could be regulated. It has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing [U.S.] Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.”

Holdren’s comments, made in 1977, mirror the astonishing admission this week of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who said she was under the impression that legalizing abortion with the 1973 Roe. v. Wade decision would eliminate undesirable members of the populace, or as she put it “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”  This is an outrage!  This is unacceptable!  Our Supreme Court Justices should NEVER be ending their statements with prepositions (or propositions)!

If anything we should be aborting these Czars themselves.  Hey, wasn’t Czars also that plague/diseasey thing that hit during the Reagan years?   I think I knew someone who had czars. Let’s couple this revelation with the global warming hysteria. Holdren believes a "Planetary Regime" could be created for the use of population control. Al Gore this week praised the passage of Obama’s Cap and Tax (I mean Cap and Trade) global warming bill, in the House of Representatives and urged the Senate to do likewise. Gore believes this legislation could lead to global governance and since we are all carbon-based life forms, who breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, our very presence is a danger to our planet. What better way to curb CO2 emissions and reduce Earth’s “fever” than to destroy carbon emitters via abortion before they can do harm to the planet?  Oh, Al Gore is taking the world’s temperature, alright, but he’s using a rectal thermometer the size of Florida. Who will be the first Abortion Czar?  Who will be the first Soylent Green Czar?  Who will be the Brewing Czar and will he or she outlaw imperial stouts? We are on a very dangerous path with these liberals controlling both the government and our very lives. Beer today, gone tomorrow.


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