Alex Bone

Alex Bone

Alex Bone (Michael D. Griffiths) is a man who likes to keep busy, too bad it mostly involves cleaning squirrels. In the past, his writing has been published in numerous periodicals and anthologies sometimes even published by someone else. He was awarded first place in Withersin’s 666 contest, which he was told will later give him the Golden Ticket tour of the third plane of Hell. He is on the staff of The Daily Discord, Cyberwizard Productions, SFReader, and on the Board of Directors for the Society of Advanced Humans that Seek to Live as Viking Ninjas. His series The Chronicles of Jack Primus is available through Living Dead Press. After being bitten by a zombie, his attentions have turned toward the walking dead and he has begun a new Zombie Apocalypse series called the Eternal Aftermath. When he discovered that he was a cloned from Eric the Red’s DNA, he wrote the Science Fiction series Skinjumpers. Later while experimenting with strange fungus, he slipped into a Fantasy world ruled by the mad mage Dalsala Den.

Horror Author Michael D. Griffiths a Zombie?

Horror Author Michael D. Griffiths a Zombie?
Alex Bone

Collapsing Shack, AZ—In a story stranger than even his own dark twisted mind could imagine, Zombie fiction author Michael D. Griffiths has admitted to being a zombie. This has not only shocked his four loyal fans, but has sky-rocketed his Eternal Aftermath book sales to the point of clearing his advance for the first time ever…mostly.

I caught up with MDG while he was finishing off other patrons’ abandoned drinks inside the Zane Grey Ballroom in Flagstaff, AZ.

AB: “So Mr. Griffiths, when did you first realize you were a zombie?”

MDG: “I had been drinking a lot and wasn’t quiet feeling myself or like a young Bill Murray meets Spaghetti Western Clint Eastwood, which is what I usually feel like (High Brains Drifter joke omitted for space’s sake). Then I was a little broke after trying to buy my way into Zano’s exclusive semiannual Lesbians only theme party…I didn’t have enough cash to get a sloppy burger, so I ate this hippy’s brain. It was good. I ate the rest of him and what I couldn’t finish I took home for sandwiches…manwiches, really.”

AB: “Has being a zombie been rough on you?”

MDG: “Yeah, it’s hard on my love life. I keep trying to eat my wife, but not in the traditional sense. She has told me that she will be staying with her mother, ‘until I grow out of this.’ She thinks it’s a phase.”

AB: “Has becoming a zombie helped you with your writing?”

MDG: “Yes and no. I can connect and channel my villains better, but last week I ate one of my publishers. So it looks like Raiders of the Lost Entrails, won’t be coming out for a while.”

AB: “I think our readers will be upset if I don’t ask you why you think you’re a zombie. For instance, zombies rarely talk, and their fiction is pretty boring. Maybe you’re just a cannibal.”

MDG: “Would I dress like this if I wasn’t a zombie? I mean come on. Old t-shirts and dirty jeans? I’m a ‘professional’ after all. Also, I haven’t bathed for several weeks now…explain that? I must be a zombie. I also have been getting this strange desire to watch Fox News.”

AB: “Oh Fox News…sorry I doubted you. Thanks for the interview and be sure to rush out and grab Mr. Griffiths’ newest zombie novel, Eternal Aftermath. Hey. Let go of my arm. AHhHhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Note: Mr. Bone has not returned to the Discord headquarters since he emailed us this story and is now currently missing and believed eaten (MBE).

Aliens Set to Invade Earth have Bagged the Idea

Aliens Set to Invade Earth have Bagged the Idea
Alex Bone

Collapsing shack, AZ—After traveling over 300 light beers and listening to the same songs 10,000,000,000 times, the invasion force from the planet Gloom 666 has turned around and decided to give their Earth invasion “a miss.”

When asked why they made the choice to return to their home world, their Admiral Wigaling had this to say: “Normally we go in and steal resources, but there are barely enough here to bother. We also like stealing cultures as well, but again…holy Tholian Gat droppings?! If your reality television is reality, we believe your planet would fare better in the rundown section of the Trailer Trash Nebula. And don’t even get me started on your women… I’ve seen less entitlement from the twin princesses of Mollun V during their eon long menstrual cycle.”

When I pointed out the huge tracks of virgin forest in Alaska and other wondrous natural resources Earth still boasted, he looked at me like I was insane.

“What is the matter with you? Do you want your planet ravaged and your population forced into slave labor? Well, too late, you already have that covered. We Gloomians estimate you will have no unions by 2013, no regulation by 2016, and no planet by 2030. We should ionize your atmosphere to put you out of your misery,” said Wigaling. “But your flimsy ozone layer will take care of that soon enough.”

Upon pressing the Gloomian leader further, he also admitted to being deterred after intercepting our Netflix transmissions.

“It seems the people of Earth are very resourceful in thwarting such invasions. You always somehow best highly advanced races through ingenuity or sheer luck. Putting viruses into our mother ship, or spreading viruses through your foul atmosphere, or then there was that time you used Slim Whitman music to explode our little space helmets. Merciless bastards!” said Wigaling.

For some reason after my interview the United Nations expelled me from the conference, but I think we have all learned a valuable lesson here. There is an upside to environmental destruction. Kind of like how I avoid identity theft by having an identity no one would want, we are now protecting our lifestyles by making our Earth so useless that domination conquest will pass us right by, every time. Why do you think there are so many UFO sightings but none of them ever land? But we should also probably thank Will Smith, Slim Whitman and the common cold for their roles as well.

U.S. Border Fence with Mexico Replaced with Banana Peels

Alex Bone

In a desperate effort to not only protect our borders, but to save the American tax payer’s money, the U.S. Senate has authorized the United States’ southern border be lined with millions of banana peels.

Homeland Security Chief, Janet Napolitano, had this to say, “You will soon see pre-peeled bananas in your grocery stores for no extra charge. En route from Mexico we will continuously peel the bananas imported from Mexico and place them along the nearly 1,300 miles of as yet unprotected border. This will create good American jobs that match our current educational prowess.”

Corporal Bob Saget had this to say, “Well, you see ha, ha, ha. We also have these hidden cameras ha, ha, ha. When they try to cross and slip, we’ll air the whole scene on our newest show World’s Stupidist Illegal Aliens. One guy landed on a cactus and we got this awesome nut shot, ha, ha, ha.”

The head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Lisa Jackson, added, “The peels are effective and biodegradable. As for interrupting animal migrational patterns, it’s only going to affect the really stupid ones already slated for extinction.” The dodo bird was unavailable for comment. “Those few species impacted may also inspire another show, World’s Stupidist Desert Animals,” said Jackson.

Senator John McCain (AZ) had this to say, “My original idea, at least for Arizona, was to line the border with land mines, but this proved unpopular in recent polling. We seem to be having our own liberal migratory issues these days. I didn’t originally like the banana peel idea, but then I realized Mexicans are a proud people and showing up on Bob Fagots show during prime time will embarrass the refried beans out of them.”

Is this sheer idiocy or pure genius? What we do know is banana stocks are one of the only stocks on the rise this week. As the U.S. slides into the realm of Banana Republic, this may somehow be a fitting end to America. Let’s not forget what Snork from the Banana Splits told us nearly four decades ago, “Let’s have a load of banana fun, a lot of fun for everyone…except those damned illegals!”

Cthulhu Officially Endorses Palin

Alex Bone

On August 8th, the undulating Cthulhu endorsed Sarah Palin for President of the United States. This Outer God is often described as …an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature and is regarded by H.P. Lovecraft as “a pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque scaly body with rudimentary wings.” And that’s just Palin.

Dr. Coredonis, a spokesman for Cthulhu, had this to say: “It was Palin’s complete disregard for living things, poor people, animals, and poor animals that first got Cthulhu’s attention. Where others might find her ignorance of human affairs and basic lack of intelligence a negative, we at the Cult find these attributes quite compatible with our needs. The human race is like worms begging at the feet of the great master.  They are akin to a swarm of insects barely deserving of a slap. So who better than Palin as a liaison emissary type?” said Dr. Coredonis.  “With Palin at the helm, you arrogant humans will finally realize how pathetic you truly are. Those of you who don’t take your own lives outright will swear allegiance to the greatness that is Cthulhu!  It will be worse than that the Dukakis bid.”

Then the Doctor tried to stab me with a hidden dagger, so I hurled him out of a nearby window—which was, unfortunately, only two stories up. Damn.  So I was forced to finish the interview by interviewing myself:

Alex: “So Alex, what do you think of all this?”

Alex 2: “I’m angry enough to spit bees! This is an insult to mankind, more than that, it’s an insult to America and we’re #1, damnit!  Granted, not in any tangible quantitative way, but certainly in quasi-pseudo flag waving moron kind of way.

I also tracked down our Stalwart correspondent, Jack Primus, to see what he had to say.

“Cthulhu thinks we aren’t in on his strategy, but we are,” said Primus. “In my opinion, this is a very simple ploy. If Palin is elected, the Big C thinks we’re finished, but I say ‘Ha’ we’re already finished.  Doesn’t he get anything but Fox News?  You see, the Cult of Cthulhu is waiting for its moment to claim the planet for themselves.”

Why is Palin so crucial to the Outer God’s master plan?  Some think it’s her complete disregard for humanity and all life forms.  Still others feel it is her MILFy sexiness that is winning over he who lies sleeping. But how can we even hope to guess the contemplations of a mind that predates mankind by uncountable eons? We can only hope that humanity will survive long enough for me to be able to buy those new jet skis on eBay.

When I finally got an audience with Cthulhu, I asked, “But why not just endorse Bachmann?” 

Cthulhu replied, “I may be the God of undulating doom, but I’m not crazy!”

Speaking of crazy, after that one question, I yanked off my own ears and was then dragged to the nether realms and devoured…which is not any worse than working for Winslow here at the Discord, really.

Life Impaired Protest Ends In Violence

Alex Bone

Collapsing Shack, AZ—Last night, the undead rallied in front of the White House in a bid for unliving free of persecution, prejudice, and violence.  The walking dead, many carrying signs smeared with blood and gore, were unable to comment.

Former President Nixon was willing to spill his guts, literally, “Uuuuuugggggghhhhhhptht.” 

After dodging the teeth of numerous Walkers, I did manage to track down a vampire willing to speak for the group. I sipped the oddest tasting Merlot with him while hordes of zombies banged their fists against the outside of his darkened trailer.

“If the White House doesn’t meet our demands by sundown, we will wreak havoc on the worlds of men.”

When I asked the spokesman, known only as The Kahn, what these demands were, he said, “We want the right to be able to walk down the streets without our heads being blown off or some wannabe-hero driving a stake through our hearts.  We also want a zombie housing assistance program. Do you know what happens when you die? People just start living in your home. And then who gets the flack for staggering around town all day, yeah, zombies—hardly fair when their houses are stolen, is it?  And don’t get me started on the Death Tax.”

“Zombies also want to be able to date the living,” continued Khan.  “This dating only other breathers is a discrimination that runs deep within your species.  As far as my people go, we just want you all to admit that vampires are superior to mere mortals and your laws do not apply…take my life insurance policy, for example.  Anyway, in return for letting us do whatever we wish, we promise not to enslave your race to harvest blood.”

Kahn was really nice. He even helped me escape the zombies on the way back. It was so romantic how he held me as he leapt over their snapping teeth. I loved the way the wind caressed his bald Nosferatu head.  He was so handsome.

Then I found Jack Primus on the north side of the mall trying to defend a toppled school bus full of kindergartners. A ghoul had a small girl by the ankle and was dragging her out of the bus until its head exploded into paste when Jack’s sledge hammer hit it.

“Do you have a minute, Jack?” I asked.

“Not really—a little busy here.”

“So I take it this means you are not in support of the Undead Freedom Act?”

“These Nezzoroth bastards will never get my vote, just my hammer to the face, and maybe one of my girlfriends now and then. A bloody X on a ballot does not a vote make.”

“Girlfriend?” I asked.

“No,” he replied.  “Palin’s Undead Registration Bill is a sad attempt to find enough undead ghouls to win an election.”

Jack kept asking me to help save the children, but I have to meet the Discord’s deadline or Zano won’t feed me his family’s scraps behind the dumpster. So naturally I pressed on—Friday is fried chicken night and sometimes they leave the skin!

I caught up with Imhotep, who was on the western side of the mall, looking on at the proceedings in disgust.

“This is all mindless politics. Republicans are using zombies to help raise the dead ceiling, or some such, vampires want to be treated fairly, and Elvis wants to move back into Graceland. All meaningless, of course, for soon I will rule!  My darkness will sweep like an evil tide over your puny world.  Soon you will all become my slaves, pets, and in some cases my furniture.”

After I got his business card, I asked him when he planned to start his campaign for world domination.

“As soon as I find the Mystic Jars of Nyrloarlethep and get a hold of a good tailor. You’d be surprised how many men are hitting on me with this skirt.  Sometimes it’s a fine line between master vampire and Goth chick.”

“Especially in this neighborhood,” I added helpfully.

I thanked Khan but knew I had one final stop to make. I found Senator McCain in one of his eight or nine houses; somehow I managed to pick the right one.  He agreed to an interview after I helped him escape a mob of hungry corpses.  Oh, and I told him I worked for the Koch Brothers.  On a side note, I’m willing to do anything for an interview, but I swear whatever Russell Crow claims I did for him in the back of that cab is a lie!

“These ‘Life Impaired’ things aren’t U.S. citizens,” said McCain.  “They don’t work, they don’t pay taxes, and they certainly shouldn’t be allowed to vote.  I think they would be happier in California.  Now if we could teach them to kill terrorists or pat down people at airports—”

“Without eating their brains,” I added.

“Right.  If we could control the dead like Aragon did in that Harry Potter movie. Heck, if we could have raised the dead back in Nam, I might have…”

Obviously this is a complex situation when even people in the same party don’t agree or can’t stop eating one another. This isn’t an issue you can bury, because they keep digging themselves out. In some ways that’s true freedom, isn’t it?  It’s what our forefather’s would have wanted.  I know, I asked one of them earlier. But in the end, we have to ask ourselves, what would Conan do?”

“Or Leno,” added Zano.

No, no, the other Conan…tell you what, I’ll see you in the sword aisle, folks.

Fantasy Characters Living Through Real Apocalypses Protest Fake End of Days

Alex Bone

Collapsing Shack, AZ—The Fantasy Adventuring Characters Team or F.A.C.T.s has lodged a formal complaint against, “All nay sayers, doom mongers, rapture renegers and end of dayers.”  Those who have survived real fictional apocalypses are not at all impressed with these endless prophetic false alarms.

There’s always some loser with a Sinner Repent sign and where has it gotten them?  FACTs wanted to get the real story from real apocalypse savvy fictional characters.

First, we caught up Elric of Melnibone, from the Elric Saga, who said, “Your petty apocalypses would not keep me from opening a second bottle of dragon blood wine or slaughtering a trusted friend. When your world sees the Armies of Chaos transform an entire continent into undulating entropy, then you’ll get my attention.”

Harry Potter was unavailable for comment, because it was half-price, topless centaur massage day over at Dagon Alley.

His friend, Ron Weasley, did have this comment, “Bloody hell, Voldemort is about to annihilate everything and you muggles are worried about your cable being shut off during some nonsensical rapture? Oh, I feel so sorry for you wankers. Piss off.”

We tried to interview Frodo Baggins, but the whole Fellowship was in Rohan, helping Bilbo sign up for a 28-day program to help him kick his ‘Hobbit Herb’ addiction.  Oh, and his sponsor is suggesting he stay away from “ganja-boy” Gandalf.

We were able to get an audience with Tom Sawyer, quite accidentally.

“Don’t know about them Apocalypses, and such. I guess it’s when God gets real mad, like when Becky pinched me when I painted her hair fire station red. Say, wanna help me paint some fun stuff, fer just a nickel?”

I was forced to press on alone after my driver and photographer stopped to help Tom paint his fence.

I tracked down Neo, from the Matrix, who added, “I was born into an apocalypse of such horrifying proportions—rare is the human mind that can comprehend it, but, in a pinch, those birthing pods make really great Jacuzzis! The other day Trinity and I broke into one and—” 

As I limped on I soon spotted Jack Primus and asked him if living in a foul world filled with supernatural serial killers makes him angry at all these fake doomsday predictors.

“It sure as hell does! After all of this crying wolf, you guys won’t be ready when it really hits the fan.  Oh, and it will hit said fan.  Meanwhile, times are tough…‘fact, I’d be willing to trade you this ‘war axe’ for a pitcher of ale and a cheese steak.”

I tried to find John Conner, but one Terminator model finally wised up and just blew him and his preschool to kingdom come.  I did manage to catch up with Mad Max, but when I mentioned those ‘end of day’ preachers, he went on an anti-Semitic rant, so I had to put him down. 

I’m not sure what we learned interviewing real apocalypse survivors—well, real fictional ones, but we did learn one thing: you can get a really cool war axe cheap these days.  Oh, and my partner never did make it back.  After painting Sawyer’s fence he made the mistake of trying to interview Cthulhu for this post….never do that.

Bone Escalates the Invertebrate Conflict into Outright War

Bone Escalates the Invertebrate Conflict into Outright War
Alex Bone

Most understand how scorpions loathe their aquatic brothers, the viscous crawdad. Both have segmented bodies, pinching claws, and a burning desire to kill everything that crosses their path. These spineless bastards part ways, however, when it comes to protecting the environment. Whereas scorpions drive Priuses and recycle whenever possible, crawdads are a different story.

Scorpions will do everything in their power to rid the world of excess vermin, crawdads happen to be that vermin.  Those cray-beasts are hell-bent on destroying all other life forms leaving the planet a desolate void—like Mesa.  Scorpions would kick some serious crawdad ass, if only they inhabited the same ecosystem.  So I, Alex Bone, have finally figured out a way to put their natural animosity to good use (insert diabolical laughter here).  I have designed small diving helmets to fit over a scorpion’s head. Then, with a tiny oxygen line, these deadly scorpions are now able to enter the water and fight their evil brethren on their own turf. This pleases Yig.

The experiments are due to begin this spring, barring any altercations between Zano and his nemesis the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. The Discord staff will be armed to the gills (so to speak) as they set forth with bucket loads of poison-laden scorpions. These daring environmentalists will let nothing stand in their way, other than numerous beer runs, barbecue breaks, horse shoe matches, cold pond-water bong hits, forest nymphs, and the aforementioned Arizona Game and Fish Commission.

It will be dicey, of course, for we will be dozens of miles from the nearest liquor store, but the advantages clearly outweigh the risks. Others complain about war, genocide, nuclear weapons and the recent expansion of executive power, but we have survived those for generations, or at least some of us have. Crawdads on the other hand are a nearly unstoppable force that will feast on any living organism. If left unchecked, they could soon control the world…soon they will be on top of the food chain!

So, with the grace of Yig and a few dozen cases of micro brew, these Stalwart warriors will set off for adventure…just as soon as they can find Bone’s damned car keys.

Mick Zano has been quoted as saying, “Bring some other styles besides IPAs, bitch,” as well as other important contributions to the cause.

First it was the fish, then the frogs, but I drew the line when they ate my mother-in-law. Yep, drew it right after that and between the death of my dog and those little bastards chewing on the end of my new sandals.

As the self appointed head of Home Stream Security (HSS), I am moving the color coded warning system to Red Ale, so Zano doesn’t bitch about the beer selection.  Like it or not, this is humanity’s last stand. It’s us or them. I’m hoping these scorpions will give us enough of an edge to have a chance.  Our first attempt with cats went rather poorly.  I forgot how much they hate water.  You will be missed, Snowflake.  But this scorpion thing is going to rock and then I will earn my place as the Scorpion King!

Only time will tell who will be the last to end up in the boiling water and then buttered—but, if it’s me, I sure hope they pour a few bottles of ale into the caldron before I go.  Yeah, I’m talking about IPA, bitch.

Beer Cleansing

Beer Cleansing
Alex Bone

I’ve been hearing a lot about all these new cleansing techniques designed to, allegedly, help improve your body, mind, and even your spirit. Some people tend to need such things, not sure why.  It’s not like we’ve run out of beer or anything. Still, who am I to judge? Maybe it works wonders.  There are still many mysteries in the Universe.  The holy feathered serpent knows, only a few souls have found the sacred light of our savor, Yig. May his name be hissed.

There are all kinds of detox/body/colon cleansings out there, such as: The Master, water, cayenne pepper, urine, and tape worm. All of these techniques advocate focusing on a particular food or liquid to the exclusion of all others.  All this, in the hopes of purging the body of built up toxins. Of course this is all nonsense, but it makes people feel better knowing they are trying something.  Besides, many probably enjoy the cozy feeling that comes from the slim hope they’re doing something good for themselves—which may explain vegan restaurants and gyms.

I, however, have decided to cut through all this crap and I am—with the aid of my good friend, medical adviser, and local barkeep, Phillip Brownhurst—planning on setting off for a whole month of beer cleansing. Yes, you heard it right here on the Daily Discord.  Be the first of your friends to Like.  No food or hydrating liquids will pass my lips, while my body focuses on purging such products from my inner core—while only throwing up once a day.

As this happens, in a wild Bacchanalian fit, I will embrace all this glorious Health Enhancing Ale (HEA!). I will save the ales as they have saved me from the distracting images that plague our modern lives. What insights, what revelations, what incontinence waits in store? I can hardly guess. I do know this: such a journey is not to be taken Bud-lightly.  It is not for those weak willed, or lily-livered, or those unsure of what they will learn from their inner drunk.

I’ve also heard say, strange things exit the body during such detox periods…hey, there go my baseball cards!  And I have been warned such trips are not without their own inherent dangers.  The Ghetto Shaman advised me of some of the spiritual side effects of forgoing anything but hops and barley for long periods of time.  For examples of this, see any Ghetto Shaman column

My shamanistic colleague has embarked on similar ale-cleansing escapades, but many ended abruptly in some drunk tank or another. I will complete the work he has started!  By the way, why do they call it a drunk tank if they don’t serve any alcohol?  Anyway, Dr. Phillip has promised to drop by with a few joints and check in on me after last call, each and every night.  He will check my vitals, palpate my swollen liver, while we kick back one last brewski for posterity.  Can I get a “Hail Yig”?!

So I embark into the realm of Dionysus, Bukowski, Bacchus, Morrison, and Lohan…

No, don’t try to stop me. I need to do this. Not just for me, but for us, for everyone that has been inclined to not be inclined, bribed to be good and proper, or simply told to make something of their lives, or their livers. Stop living this lie and join me on my own permanent paid detoxification. 

Yes, it is for you I fight! I fight for the right to throw it all away, forget your jobs, and just wake up!  No, no, I’m not talking about enlightenment. Geesh.  I mean, wake up whenever your hangover allows and start the day with a cold one. I’ll probably see the rest of those suckers heading to work, while I grab my pre-nooner six-pack (PNSP).  In the end, those are the ones who will envy me.  I’m talking to you Zano! Mr. Goes-to-Work-Most-of-the-Time!

I will keep you posted…  Hey, did I mention you’re funding this experiment, Zano?

ATVs: A-hole Trashy Victimizers and Why I Hate Them

Alex Bone

Collapsing Shack, AZ—Over the past decade the use of ATVs has become more popular than ever, surpassing even the killing of harmless animals, the shooting of illegal immigrants, or other culturally important redneck pastimes (CIRP).   The following observation on those who choose to drive an ATV is sadly accurate.  The names have been changed to protect…I really didn’t get their names.  Too much gurgling from all the blood in their throats. 

Now people don’t even need four wheel drive vehicles to get deep into the wilderness. Many families can just drive their RV to the edge of the woods, set up camp, and—as soon as they finish the last video from the Jeff Foxworthy mythos—head as far as the dirt roads will allow. I decided for this post to set out to discover the ins-and-outs of forest etiquette, particularly in regards to the owners of these fearsome machines known as ATVs.  ATV owners are the BMW drivers of the badlands. Speaking of which, if they ever do make a BMW-ATV, wow….

Now I know why I am one of Northern Arizona’s premiere horror writers.  I just scared the shit out of myself.

I have studied the ATVsters behaviors and their ethics for some time—from a distance, of course, as not to contaminate the study.   So the following is just a short list of things that occurred while dealing with these jack wads. I’ve had the owners of ATVs:

  1. Drive over my possessions as they race
    through my campsite (I will miss you Sony Walkman).
  2. Park behind my artist wife in the middle of
    composing a painting (wow, that’s a beautiful use of water color, honey, but…uh,
    is that the back end of a Yamaha Raptor?)
  3. Try to move our camp tables in order to drive
    a few more feet past our canvas paradise.
  4. Lash small children to their front bumpers
    and drive through patches of jumping cholla (I’m actually OK with this
    one, but, wouldn’t you know it, that’s the only one that isn’t true!)

Some ATV owners have even tried to get me to buy George W’s new book. I hope I dug those graves deep enough. Since ATVs are from Hell, my new goal is to ensure that every time I’m around one they already feel like they are there. I don’t want them to die and have the whole eternal-damnation thing be a shock to their system.  So now, each time one shows up anywhere near me, I rush forward to them, get into their face, and yell RAAAH, RAAAH, RAHHH at an ear-tearing volume.

Do they think I’m crazy? If they can hear me over the roar of their engines… my guess would be, yes. Still, my goal is a noble one, to try to annoy them at least a fraction of how much they have annoyed me over the years. Is this good journalism? Is this sane? Well, of course not, but keep in mind, this is The Daily Discord.

The important thing is they begin to think twice…oh wait, that might be too hard for ATV owners. How about think…at all, before they rush into some stranger’s camp. So ATVers beware, there are worse things in the back woods than broken RV heaters, burnt microwave dinners, and skipping DVDs. Sometimes your little roar buckets might not be enough to get you back to your mobile homes, because barb wire has a whole lot of uses, heh, heh, heh—especially when it’s placed between trees about neck high. Did I just say that aloud?  Mr. Winslow is saying, no, I typed it out loud.  Oh, aren’t we supposed to tone down the rhetoric?  Well, next time, for now I have some traps to set for some boobs.  The last bastards we took out only had some Miller Lite and some Jeff Foxworthy tapes.

Bill and Dead’s Excellent Adventure, or that Zombie is sooo Cute

Alex Bone

Collapsing Shack, AZ—The following is an actual account of something that happened in my personal life.  Let me tell you what happened to my friend Billy. Well, parts of it…

Billy looked at him longingly. She had such respect for him, even if she didn’t know his name. It was hard to learn too much about a man that only groaned.  All she needed to know is that she loved him.

At first she had tried to learn more, but every time she checked for a wallet or tattoos, he would just try to bite her, but then that was part of his charm, wasn’t it?  He was so mysterious.  Ted, as she had taken to calling him, was one of the first guys she had met that wasn’t just interested in her for sex. And that made him so special, even if he did leave a lot of stains where she had him chained in the guest room.

He was not like other guys.  He didn’t just stare at her tits, although he had tried to bite them.

Her friends thought he was ‘gross’ and ‘disgusting.’ They even told Billy she should dump him, but she knew they were just jealous.

Ted was so low maintenance.  He never asked her to do any housework or wanted to go drinking with the boys. He only had eyes for her. Billy loved how much he wanted her and jerked against his chain trying to get closer each time she entered the room. It was so sweet.

Billy would never need another boyfriend, because Ted wasn’t going anywhere. Finally a man that liked her for who she was on the inside, even if he just wanted to eat them.

But then she began to wonder. She had seen all those vampire and werewolf movies where they could turn their lover with just a bite and she figured this might work with Ted too.  But should she do it? She wanted to live with Ted throughout all of eternity, but being a zombie was also sorta gross. Besides, would he be as interested if she wasn’t warm and living?

She was just so confused.  Night after night she would wander down with her clarinet and play All of Me, just out of range, until the sun came up.

Really, she would have to be careful. It wouldn’t do for Ted to eat all of her. She wanted some of her to be left to love him for all of eternity and all that. But she also knew that one little bite would do. But she had another problem. If she became a zombie she might not remember how to free him. How could she make this work?   Relationships were so complicated.

Then she had it. Handcuffs! Billy giggled over the kinkiness of it all. If she handcuffed Ted to her, then they could be together forever.  They could wander wherever they chose, eat out whenever and whoever they wanted.  It would be so romantic!

After stashing her journal, entitled ‘forever love,’ she arranged for this final step in preparation for their bounding.

The next day, I found her twitching legless carcass moving in circles on the floor. At least some of her would be together with Ted…er, in his stomach.

Happy Holidays

Alex Bone