Dear Ghetto Shaman,
I have recently read Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now and I am having a hard time staying in the ever present now. My chattering mind and my battling ego seem to always be working against me. Any suggestions on how to improve my meditation skills?
Eugene, OR
Dear Tara,
You should dump Tolle. I am a greater bridge to all non-dual states, or a Tolle bridge, if you will. Try my own antithesis to his mindfulness banter: Anti-Zen Living in the Then: Harnessing the Power of Anxiety. You too can worry your way to Nirvana with my 47 session CD Angst Kit (AK47). Just the price tag alone will start you on your way to accessing the many higher-states of distress.
As seen on Jitter and Pacebook.
The Ghetto Shaman