God Responds to Daily Discord’s “Draw Muhammad Day” Entry

God Responds to Daily Discord’s "Draw Muhammad Day" Entry

Intercourse, PA—CEO of the Daily Discord, Pierce Winslow, watched as the Supreme Diety burned his rural Pennsylvania home to the ground over Memorial Day weekend.

“It was horrible,” said Winslow.  “God can really make you feel helpless.  Sure, you can flip him off and yell obscenities from your front lawn, but if that fucker wants to torch your house, he’s gonna do it.”

Winslow believes that God tried to contact the Daily Discord several times last week, but his messages were ignored.

“Zano just doesn’t answer shit,” said Winslow.  “He’s like an idiot savant without the savant.  We have good people contributing material and we never answer any of them. God himself even tried our contact button last week, but we rarely answer such things.  Heck, there’s a porn star that keeps emailing the Ghetto Shaman and we didn’t even answer her last few questions.  So, under those circumstances, what chance does God have for a response, really?  On that note, what’s the difference between a porn star and God?  I would get up early on Sunday for a porn star.”

Winslow added, “I don’t even know why he’s sticking up for Muhammad.  That prophet has issues.  Somehow our article Jesus to be Brought before Grand Jury in Church Abuse Case goes unnoticed, not to mention all of our recent Pope bashing and now the big guy goes and picks a fight?”

Winslow wants God to know that a Mr. Cohen will be pressing his contact button soon, bitch.

Bush, the Tea Party, and Fiscal Conservatism for Dummies

Mick Zano

Yes, I’m going there again, but only because even I am flabbergasted how much worse the facts keep getting.  No, I don’t use the word flabbergasted lightly.  The unease people are facing now, amidst the economic collapse, gives me hours of amusement.  At least people are finally embracing the suckage.  But they still don’t know how we got here!  Well, that all ends today.  I tried to guesstimate our fiscal woes a few posts back and, as it turns out, I stand corrected (or blog corrected).  It’s actually worse for the Bushies.  I have been waiting a long time for these numbers from the Congressional Budget Office.  Really, I’ve done nothing but wait patiently for this info—besides the four Bs, of course: boozing, boinking, blogging and BimboGladiators.com.

Bush, the Tea Party, and Fiscal Conservatism for Dummies

Above chart originally snagged from Andrew Sullivan’s blog: The Daily Dish

As far as our fiscal demise goes, the Bush tax cuts are projected to win, hands down!  Er, stocks down.  Oh, and see that really thin grey line marked Fannie and Freddie?  I can’t.  Well, that’s the line the Foxeteers think caused the entire economic collapse—the Barney Frank line, as it were.  In reality, that line is attributed equally to people like Barney Frank, Wall Street greed, and George W. Bush.  But don’t let the facts get in the way of your ideology.  Fox never does.  But, even if the whole Fannie Freddie thing is Barney Frank’s fault, then it’s still a drop in the Gulf compared to the wars, the budget cuts, and the economic downturn….you know, Bush Country.

The bailout line is about half Bush and half Obama.  Somehow the bailouts worked, albeit temporarily.  I predicted the bailouts would only pause the collapse, but there’s some actual gains—stock market and economic growth that I did not predict.  I keep forgetting this whole pile of shit called our fiscal futures is mostly about perceptions, so the BS can linger like a malt liquor Ghetto Shaman fart (MLGSF).  Oh, and as sketchy as the Obama bailouts were, no one knows where a dime of Bush’s 700 billion went (filling the old coffers, no doubt).   Bill W., of Alcoholics Anonymous fame, is probably, as the Crank puts it, whirling feverishly in his mausoleum.  Bush is one guy who never should have stopped drinking.  He makes me question my own service as a counselor—not to mention my male prostitution days.  It’s not related, but it weighs heavily on my conscience.  I can’t even listen to Van Halen’s Just a Gigolo without sobbing.

Sure the bailouts worked to a degree, but we’re still screwed.  But hey, I’m drinking Belgians, so thanks, Obama!  Just for today.  Now, back to our chart.  Not all of those three biggest trillion dollar + bands of deficit are Bush’s fault.  Afghanistan comes to mind.  So let’s continue to be fair here.  I think only about 75% of the massive fiscal fuck up is his contribution.  I said 60% earlier.  Sorry.  I was doing zen math, which is better than Fox math by a long shot.  To summarize, just consider Bush’s part in our demise about ten times that of the Barney Frank influence (BFI).  At BFI, we don’t make the economic collapse, we make the Foxeteers feel better about their abysmal voting records.  Again, we are not likely to recover from this recession, at least not in the foreseeable future—as I’ve said all along. Part of Europe’s problems, PART of it, all-or-none thinking peeps, was certainly a result of our collapse.  I only thought Bush would end the U.S. economy, I had no idea he would destroy the global economy as well. Wait, I think I already said that once.  Funny how I rarely need to retract anything, just repeat things.  For retractions see a Crank and his Blog (with Don Johnson).  I think that’s a repeat too.  But it never gets old.

The second economic collapse will be more painful than the first.  The illusion will officially be over.  And for all of you incredibly-slow-on-the-uptake partisan-hacks (ISOTUPH), you contributed to the cause by supporting our first developmentally disabled president.  TWICE!

Obama, Crank?  He will end up a mediocre president—a man who delayed the inevitable for a time.  The Foxeteers have lots of reasons how Obama could get us out of this mess—all imaginary, of course, like their facts.  Most of your rage should be directed at your own shortsightedness.  Bush will eventually occupy the place of worst president ever.  So, when it’s all said and done, no one will be asking, why didn’t Obama pull out his magic wand and fix everything; they’re going to ask, how in Yig’s name did Bobo Monkey Boy get elected twice at such a critical juncture in U.S. history?  That will be the question of the ages.  On that note, I’ve got two words for you, Joseph Goebbles.  Oh wait, I mean, Rupert Murdoch. 

Meanwhile, Mr. Bush has four presidents to pass on his decent toward infamy.  Not sure if he will beat Buchanan, but he will end up neck and neck with the bastard, for sure.  I’m talking about Pat Buchanan over on MSNBC.  Who were you talking about?

You may be wondering why I never mentioned the Tea Party in this post…

Episode II: The Clown Wars (coming soon to a blog post near you)

BP Last Week: “Spill Tiny Compared to Ocean.”
BP This Week: “Earth’s Demise Insignificant compared to Whole Universe.”

C. Montgomery Burns, BP CEO

Chandeleur Islands, LA—British Petroleum spokesperson, Peter Metcalfe, added, “In the grand scheme of things, the final episode of Lost will prove more significant to the average U.S. citizen than our little mishap. Is turning the Gulf waters into the Gulf oils really such a big deal? Look, sure we bought the cheaper valve and, sure, we purchase most of our parts from the Off Shore Drilling Barn—well, the one’s we don’t get from Ronco—but what were we supposed to do? Our profits were down to nearly a thousand percent! Mr. Burns is very critical of such wasteful spending.”

Mr. Burns added, “Killing off entire ecosystems is always an opportunity for the surviving species…like oil men, for instance. Smithers, release the grease gobbling monkeys!”

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

My grandfather was one of the Navajo code talkers who used cryptography to help confound the Japanese during WWII. I want to travel to the Solomon Islands, where my grandfather was stationed, but I don’t fly.  If I choose to travel by sea, do you have any advice to help me stay safe?

Scott M.

Ship Rock, NM

Dear Scott,

Cryptography, eh?  What’s the big deal about taking pictures of Mausoleums? To answer your question, this little number always kept me safe for long voyages:

Red skies at night sailors delight.

Red sky in the morning, pass the Visine, bitch.

Hope this helps.

The Ghetto Shaman

Study Suggests a Dark Coloring Prejudice in America

L. Wolfe

An AC 360 segment on CNN all but proved something truly sinister.  Their recent study indicates that American children are impacted at very early ages by a society built upon subliminal, insidious racism against dark skinned cartoon children.  A follow up study conducted by 36-DD here at the Daily Discord has shown the impacts are even more far reaching than originally believed.

Dr. Sterling Hogbein, of the Hogbein Institute and Titty Bar, released this statement today, “The bitch told me she was 18.”  He then uttered a far more relevant statement, “American children are trained by society to hate anything that is dark, not just dark cartoon children.”

In a 36-DD study, kids most often chose the dark toast as the "bad" toast
In a 36-DD study, kids most often chose the dark toast as the "bad" toast

The study, sponsored by the Vanilla White Toast Society (VWTS), asked young children from various backgrounds questions about, well, toast.  The children were shown 5 pictures of toast, ranging in color from very light (almost white) to very dark (almost black).  The children were then asked a series of questions, such as “Which toast is the bad toast?” and “Which toast should be segregated?” or even “Which toast would Rand Paul throw out of a country club?” In every case, according to the study, children always chose the dark toast as the toast with negative traits and chose the moderately colored toast as the toast associated with good traits.  According to Hogbein, “American children are brainwashed from an early age to associate black with bad.”  Even follow-up questions confirmed the disturbing aversion away from dark colored toast.  When they identified the darkest colored toast as the bad toast, children were then asked, “Why is that the bad toast?” and, with quizzical looks at the questioner, the children almost invariably responded, “Would you eat toast as black as that, asshole?” The lightest toast was actually never chosen.  When asked about this, most children said, “Because that’s just bread, not toast, asshole.”

The 36-DD study found this disturbing trend across almost all food groups: pizza, vanilla pudding, pumpkin pie.  In each and every case, the darkest versions were associated with the bad traits and the lighter versions with the good traits (well, chocolate cake was an exception.  Oh, and the children also seemed to enjoy the dark beer over the light beer).  Perhaps the children associated dark color with bad traits because dark usually means burnt food, or because the cowboy in the black hat is always the bad guy, or because cat burglars and other bad guys are always dressed in black.

When posed with this question, Hogbein said, “Nonsense!  It’s racism!  AC 360 didn’t look at this factor in their study.  They determined it was racism when children chose the dark cartoon child as the bad child!  No, this is clearly the racist influences in America driving this preponderance of dark color = bad traits, and if that fact is good enough for Anderson Cooper, it’s good enough for me.  American society is inherently racist!  Why do you think they’re trying to stop the bad black oil from tainting our crystal waters?  Will the chemicals being used in the Gulf simply turn the oil white?  That’s my question for BP.”

This may also explain how a dazzling urbanite can be twice as competent as a certain white Texan, yet still end up with lower approval ratings in half the time.

“It’s not about Obama’s job performance,” said Hogbein.  “It’s the burnt toast phenomenon.”

Next week 36-DD looks at a new study, wherein we investigate why people who own automobiles purchase more gasoline than people who don’t.

Putin: Kicking Some Pirate Heine

Apparently, what happens in international waters, stays in international waters. If pirates are caught by, say, the Dutch Navy, the pirates are often immediately escorted back to Somalia, after being rewarded the complimentary case of Heineken. Forward to last week: the Russians foiled a pirate take-over of one of their own ships. When asked about the fate of the pirates, Vladimir Putin responded thusly:

“Ahhhh, it seems they have all died…of natural causes. We caught them, we had coffee, we smoked, and we let them go.  They took off in their little ship, and we waved goodbye.  We even gave them the complimentary Heineken. All seemed well. Then, it seems, er…they all died. We don’t know why. Not by us, I can assure you. We seem to be missing some bullets, but we see no correlation. One minute they were there, the next “poof” their gone. What a mystery, heh? We looked for them, but to no avail. The Heineken bottles were recovered and consumed by my men. We are shrugging our collective Russian shoulders over the whole thing.”

Thank you, Vlad baby, for “dieing” those pirates for us, wink-wink-nudge-nudge. Your testicles are certainly growing. You will need a wheelbarrow for them soon, no? As they say in Italy, when you have oversized nuts, “Walk-a proud, Vlad.  Walk-a proud.”

Arizona Adds Social Site Addiction to Statewide Recovery Programs

Alex Bone

Collapsing Shack, AZ—All across Arizona the need for traditional 28 day Recovery Programs has never been greater.  In most states an individual must be addicted to certain types of drugs to qualify for treatment. Things like alcohol, crystal meth, pain pills, and cocaine addictions will get you in, but other substances like tobacco and caffeine will not. Some other problematic addictions, like gambling and sex addiction, will not get you help either. This has unfortunately kept people like Mick Zano on the streets.

Arizona, in an unprecedented move, has added addictions to social sites as a reason for qualifying for its 28 day programs.

Arizona Governor, Janet Brewer, is quoted as saying, “Social Sites such as Twitter, Face Book, and My Space have become the drug of choice for our next generation. This drug is far more dangerous than Cocaine ever was. A person hooked on traditional drugs can eventually run out of money. Or, at least they eventually die and stop burdening society. However, until the plug is pulled on this web menace, people will continue to become obese zombies, consuming more potato chips than at a Woodstock potato chip stand.”

An area man, in no way affiliated with The Onion, had this to say, “Drug users at least attempt to hide their problems, but now you can’t walk ten feet without seeing kids texting. What are they even talking about? I tried to talk to my son but he’s as boring as a pile of socks. The pale freak hasn’t gone outside for over six months. The most interesting thing that happened to him this year involves our house cat and his computer chair.  Poor thing.”

The youth entering these new 28 day programs are stripped of all technological devices. Laptops and cell phones are forbidden. Within hours, the victims of this foul addiction complain of headaches, isolationism, and strange compulsions to scribble notes and hand them to other people.

Erika Devins has been working with substance abusers for over ten beers. “It used to be that we’d have to search for small packets of meth, and the like, after lights out. Now, we have to keep our eyes peeled for the glow of cell phones hidden under blankets or clients begging to check their Face Book on a stranger’s lap top during outings. Last weekend, I had to stop a girl from offering sexual favors just for a chance to post an update on her Twitter account.”

Chuck Buster, a supervisor at the 28 program in Prescott, AZ said, “In recent years, most of our data collection has been transferred to computer use, but when these Social Site Junkies (SSJs) see my staff typing away, it’s like interviewing a coke addict at crack central.  They don’t even look at you.  They just stare at your computer screen as their eyes glaze over. SSJs pose other problems as well.  We thought alcohol was bad, but cell phones and laptops are everywhere. These poor victims are exposed to their addictions anytime they go into public, or they walk into any business or residence!”

Erin Dakowski, the wife of a SSJ, has problems of her own.

“First my husband loses his job, because he couldn’t stop playing World of Warcraft at work. Now he won’t job hunt because of that lame-o Farmville on Face Book. I’ve already had to store my computer at my sister’s house, yet every time I set it down, Harold snatches up my Blackberry and starts planting vegetables or some shit.”

Many people wonder if there is hope for these social-site addicts. Professor Hogbein of the Hogbein Institute and Daycare Center, had this to say, “These problems may be just the tip of the iceberg. On a good note, some traditional drug abuse might become a thing of the past.  Who has time to wait two hours on a street corner to score some horse? Think of all the scrolling tweets you could be typing in that time.”

Sorry, folks, I got a go.  Zano gets me a pint of ale for every fifty Twitter fans I score for the Discord.”

Everybody Photoshop Muhammad Day?

Everybody Photoshop Muhammad Day?

Philadelphia, PA—CEO of the Daily Discord, Pierce Winslow, is furious that no one posted any of the Daily Discord’s  submissions for this week’s Draw Muhammad Day.

“Sure, we Photoshopped the shit, but that’s how we roll.  Who draws?  Do I look like I still play with crayons, you cretin-blogging dickwads?!  OK, don’t answer that.”

Witnesses claim that Winslow has grown completely irrational after the realization that every blogger from Seattle to Georgia refused to post any of the Daily Discord’s twenty-seven computer generated submissions.

“That’s nonsense,” disagreed Discord contributor, Mick Zano.  “Winslow’s always completely irrational.” 

Since no one picked up any of the controversial material, Mr. Winslow is calling for lashings, beheadings, and belashings—which is, actually, more reminiscent of his ill-received Draw Muhammad in Drag Day.  In retaliation, the Daily Discord is planning to host Everybody Photoshop Muhammad Day next week and Winslow would like to add, “And we’re not taking any of your submission at this time, bitches.”

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

In an Iboga induced trance (IIT), I have contacted my Ancestral Spirits.  They have instructed me to become a contributor for the Daily Discord.  Do you need any help at this time?


Lake Grove, NY

P.S.  See, I’m already hip with those lousy acronym jokes.

Dear Harry,

A contributor, really? I think you’ve been chewing on the wrong root, my friend.  Tell your Ancestral Spirits that Winslow is impossible to work for.  Tell them, they should haunt his ass for eternity. You should consider working for a reputable e-zine, like over at NinjaLesbians.com.  I’m trying to get in with those bitches, literally.  Think about it: The Daily Discord or Ninja Lesbians?  Follow the path of the warrior…or, in this case, the naked ninja, hot girl-on-girl action, warrior.

The Ghetto Shaman

P.S.  I don’t listen to my living ancestors, let alone my dead ones.  Do I have to teach you people everything?

Jupiter Has Success on South Belt Diet

Jupiter before and after going on the South Belt Diet
L. Wolfe

Jupiter before and after going on the South Belt Diet

Jupiter has recently lost its south equatorial belt after just 5 months on the new “South Belt Diet” (SBD).  Experts report that Jupiter has lost over 330,000 km of belt in just over 140 days (that’s over 5.2 billion belt holes to you and me!).

When asked what inspired him to make such drastic life changes, Jupiter said, “Two words, bitches: Kevin Smith.  I don’t want something like that to happen to me.”

In late 2009, after many years of self-doubt and lamenting, Jupiter stepped out of the public eye and checked into one of the Universe’s premier weight loss institutions for planets.  Earlier this week, Jupiter emerged from the clinic a new planet—a leaner and meaner planet, ready to face the world.

In a press conference today, Jupiter had this to say, “I was tired of being described as the largest planet in the Solar System. I was always teased as a kid by the other planets.  They’d say things like “you’re so fat you have your own solar system,” or they’d call me “Two-piter.”  And how would you like to be categorized as the largest gas giant? Jovian planet, my ass.  Pluto was the worst.  I was glad when the little shit was downgraded to a dwarf planet.  One of these days, one of these days, Pluto…bang, zoom, to the Ort Cloud!  They even have a scientific name for me; they call me an oblate spheroid, because of the massive bulge around my equator.  Well, what are you going to call me now, you lab-coat-wearing bastards!”

“Anyway, now I feel much better. I have a lot more energy.  I’m looking good and I’m ready to bear it all.  Thanks to my SBD plan, I’m not embarrassed of my shape anymore.  In fact, I may even cast off a couple smaller satellites in order to celebrate!”

Jupiter does admit to being a little self conscious about the bruise where Shoemaker-Levy 9 blasted his outer atmospheric layers in 1994, and despite consistent dermatological appointments and ointments his big red spot remains, quite big and quite red.

“But overall, I feel great.  Besides, I might just have my largest moon, Ganymede, hover over the thing when the next NASA probe swings by.   The bitch owes me.”

When Saturn was asked if he would follow Jupiter’s lead in displaying his heavenly body, Saturn had this to say, “Are you nuts? If I lose too much weight, my great ring could slip right the fuck off!  If that fat slob of a planet wants to expose himself, that’s his business.  Me, I’m going to turn the other hemisphere.” 

Venus offered to give Jupiter a free makeover in order “to take full advantage of his new look.”

Uranus and Neptune both commented on Jupiter’s backside view and said, “he’s looking fine.”

Mars shouted obscenities, “I kicked your ass when you were a fat slob, and I’ll kick it again now!  If it weren’t for that damned asteroid belt, I would come over there and beat the methane out of you!”

Mercury was in too much of a hurry to comment, and Earth was too sick and anemic to comment beyond a couple of weak coughs, followed by the spitting up some petroleum products.

Jupiter stated that he’s petitioning the Sun for a new contract deal and is seeking compensation for his 5 month absence.  The Sun responded with an angry solar flare that disrupted television signals all over Earth.  It then threatened to supernova if Jupiter didn’t shut the hell up and get back in orbit.

NASA Probe Glitch: Scout Is Spirit’s Bitch

NASA Probe Glitch: Scout is Spirit’s Bitch

Mars—”Let’s do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel” has a new, more cosmic, meaning today.  NASA scientists watched, in horror, as the latest rover footage from the red “hot” planet reveals the Spirit lander “scouting out” the Scout probe.  NASA believes that the blackout period in January of 2004 was all part of this insidious rover rendezvous, this illegal droidian download, this planetary probe probing, this hydraulic hanky-panky, this bionic booty call, this mechanical mambo, this….I’m being told to stop.

NASA scientists are considering a phone call to PPS (Probe Protective Services) fearing the unauthorized cybernukie may not be consensual. It is likely that the video, shot by the aptly named “Opportunity”, may be deemed child pornography since none of the participants are of age.

Since commands to Opportunity have thus far been ignored, the racy spacey mating ritual may continue for the next several years, or until Opportunity blows a fuse, or blows something else.

Praising Arizona

Rick Right Pernick

Arizona Deserves Praise, not condemnation, for enforcement of immigration laws and border security.  Since the implementation of Arizona’s immigration law there has been a great deal of discussion in the media, political circles, and individuals (including Mickless Zano).  While an overwhelming percentage of legal citizens are praising the State for doing the fed’s job, the media and politicians are attacking the governor of Arizona with accusations of discrimination, civil rights violations, constitutional violations, and fashion violations.  Did you see her on Fox last week?  Geesh.

Surprisingly, many critics are coming from the right side of the political spectrum.  For whatever reason, some who consider themselves conservative fail to understand one of few actual federal government responsibilities is to protect America’s sovereignty from foreign invaders and, yes, I would classify illegal alien immigrants as such.

If the feds enforced laws currently on the books, Arizona wouldn’t have to write its own law.  It wouldn’t have to do what is ultimately the feds responsibility. 

When President Reagan signed comprehensive immigration reform in 1986, which included amnesty for three million illegal immigrants, he did so with the understanding that Congress would provide the resources to enforce provisions to seal the borders from invasion.  Congress failed to provide those resources and now we have at least twelve million, and by some estimates, up to thirty million more illegal alien immigrants within our borders (not to mention our Barnes and Nobles).  I only have three illegals working on my lawn, so don’t blame me.

Are we to believe Congress will live up to its responsibility now?  The laws are on the books, yet enforcement is an epic fail, like the Ghetto Shaman’s last barely legal Kundalini cruise.  Again I ask, what will a new comprehensive immigration reform bill accomplish that is not already written into current law?  And again I ask, why doesn’t the Ghetto Shaman ever invite me on those things?

In 2007, when Bush, McCain and Kennedy colluded to get another amnesty passed, the people of this country rose up and said SEAL THE BORDERS FIRST.  Three years have passed, nothing has changed.  In fact, the Silent War has worsened on the southern border.  Every day a mime gets trapped in one of those invisible boxes.  It’s sad.  Phoenix, Arizona is second only to Mexico City in the number of kidnappings IN THE WORLD.  More people in this country have died at the hands of illegal immigrants than in the War in Iraq.  Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of our legal citizens, have been the victim of a violent crime at the hands of illegal immigrants. (This is more than Discord contributors and girl scouts combined…er, but I wouldn’t combine them.)

And now Chuck-you Schumer and others in Washington and the media wants comprehensive reform (code word for amnesty) again?!  The message is the same as it was three years ago; SEAL THE BORDERS FIRST, ENFORCE CURRENT LAWS NOW, and GET BREWER TO A NICE KOHLS OR SOMETHING.  Great clothing for a great value.  Then states won’t have to take the law into their own hands.  Oh, and support your local Brewer.   A Kohl’s gift card is always a good gift idea.

Poll Finds Nine out of Ten Atheists Prefer Mormons over Jehovah Witnesses

Poll Finds Nine out of Ten Atheists Prefer Mormons over Jehovah Witnesses

A recent unscientific poll conducted in a bar by drunken Discordians suggests that people don’t like Discord reporters approaching them when their “this drunk.” A second poll, involving massive quantities of microbrews, can only be described by this reporter as implementing something now termed enhanced polling techniques. A third poll, not at all appropriate for minors, reveals something even more intriguing. People are far less enthusiastic about a visit from a Jehovah Witness than any–we made shit up about Jesus and wear magic underwear–Mormons.  Here is an actual conversation between Pokey McDooris and two unidentified pedestrians:

Pokey:  “Are you Mormons or Jehovah Witnesses?”

Pedestrians: “We’re Mormons.”

Pokey: “Whooo Hooo! I win a beer!”

I think this exchange enhances our understanding of the problem this nation faces, although we’re not exactly sure how.

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

I read your book If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Get Zyprexa! and, sorry, but the highest teaching in the Tibetan tradition does not involve oral sex.  Who was your teacher, anyway?


Ely, NV

Dear Bill,

You misunderstand.  All I was saying is that it should.   My teacher is a very old shaman from the Kickapoo tribe, Shits-as-he-Walks Murphy.

The Ghetto Shaman

Send Brewer, Guns, and Money

Mick Zano

Arizona’s Governor Janet Brewer is brilliant! I will never call her democratically challenged again.  She is killing two birds with one stone.  She is cutting most funding for the severely mentally ill, while she lets every undocumented felon carry concealed weapons, everywhere and anywhere: bar, state park, church function, or cock fight.  At first I thought, what an idiot.  And then I thought…clever girl!  These things will just work themselves out over time with little to no cost to the taxpayer. 

Do you begin to see her genius?  The Ted Nugents of the world can now hunt less than productive citizens for sport, so I would like to be the first to request a ‘bring out your dead’ cart as seen in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  See?  Her plan is saving money from social services, pandering to hunters, while creating jobs for innovative souls such as myself.  On that note: “Bring out your dead!” 

I predict this legislature will ultimately cost more for the AZ tax payer, not to mention the lives it will cost.  But, if Janet Brewer’s plan is to move the feds toward action on immigration—you know, so we have an adult version of an immigration bill at some point—then I understand her ploy.  If real reform surfaces and then she backs off her own somewhat extreme version, she deserves kudos.  But I really don’t think she’s smart enough for this ploy, but let’s give her the benefit of the doubt.   Fact: the U.S. Government has ignored the problem way too long.  I was on the border two weeks ago, as covered in my last riveting feature.  When I wasn’t philosophizing about the perfect stout java combo, I was interviewing the locals.  I got to talk to a rancher who lives on the border, a fellow social service type working at a center for troubled youth at Mary’s Mission.  

Not only did he know the rancher who was killed recently, but a helicopter landed in his own backyard to bust some drug runners not a week before our conversation.  He says it’s never been this bad.  It’s a real war around Sierra Vista, not some exaggeration.  He separates people crossing his land for jobs from those running drugs.

“Drug dealers are the problem, not the folks looking for work.”

But, he fears for his family’s safety, for his land, and for his life.  Something definitely needs to be done.  Both sides ignore this problem as not to damage relations with the largest growing voting group.  It’s disgusting, like most of our sausage making these days.  This is where neither side is getting the picture.  But Mrs. Governor Lady, the laws don’t need to resemble 1940s Germany in any way. I feel the need to put Governor Janet Brewer in perspective for non-Arizonians.  Mrs. Brewer barely graduated with an associate’s degree from some community college.  Of course, that alone doesn’t make her stupid, especially as compared to, say, her colleague, the bumbling and barely literate Senator Kyle.  But upon hearing her talk and watching her actions…er, in the immortal words of Foghorn Leghorn: “She’s about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.”  Or as they call it in the Beltway, a Fox News All Star.

Again, this is where some integral thought might go a long way.  Brewer’s plan has gotten the Dem’s attention.  Her bill is a cry for help.  In fact, as a mental health professional, I believe most of her actions are a cry for help.  But what should Obama do?  How should he react?  Well, anything Obama tries to pass, right or wrong, will be shot down by the Republicans of the world faster than a Jew in Damascus.  Let’s be clear about this, Republicans are not rooting for America, they are rooting for their own private Idaho—a version of America that has already died, along with most of the Gulf Coast wildlife.  And, to this I say good riddance! I’m not talking about socialism, I don’t want that, either.  I’m talking about an unsustainable illusion called Hannity’s America. It’s time to grow up and the smell the change.  I know, it’s bad for your kidneys, so you might want to stay indoors and use a respirator.  You see, Hannity’s America doesn’t have EPA regs, so breathing is ill advisable under any circumstances.  

As for the drug smuggling, perhaps 25% of the problem could die tomorrow by legalizing pot.  The war on drugs is a war we have lost.   Having been in the field of addiction counseling, I would have to say three out of four substance abuse professionals favor legalization.  Informed people realize alcohol is way more addictive and dangerous than pot—especially the way I use it.  In other words, if you’ve drawn the line at alcohol, pot is on the other, considerably safer side of the equation.  I am also in favor of legalizing certain hallucinogens (under pressure from the Ghetto Shaman) but that’s about it.  They are actually discovering certain hallucinogens work more effective on depression than SSRIs.  Of course, most placebos work better than SSRIs, but I love those Merck luncheons.  The rest of the drugs out there are too addictive and/or too dangerous, but a 20% drop in smuggling could happen tomorrow if we would only free the seed—not to mention I would be one step closer to my dream of running a hash bar chain: Hash Wednesdays.  Think about it, we have a Ruby Tuesdays, a TGI Fridays.  Haven’t we ignored hump day long enough?  Weed the People in order to form a more perfect menu.

I think at this point, sending the National Guard to the border is imperative, both for our security and our sanity.  As for a fence along the border, I think a fence should be sensor driven, not wood or chain-link constructed.  This is 2010.  I realize this country is way past its prime, but we can do this.  An actual wall is an eyesore, expensive, and ineffectual.  No, I’m not talking about Governor Brewer.   To summarize my plan: an adult version of immigration reform, sensors not another Great Wall, deploy the National Guard, legalize pot, and send Brewer, Guns, and Money.   Er, hold the Brewer.