Dear Ghetto Shaman,
I’m sure you’re familiar with the Hopi tale of the two wolves. Well, judging from reading your “advice,” perhaps not. Here it is in a nutshell: An old Hopi Chief told his young grandson that all of us have two wolves inside of us, one good, and one bad. These two wolves are constantly locked in a fearsome fight to the death within us. Quizzically, the young Hopi looked up to his grandfather and asked ” Grandfather, which wolf wins?” The old Hopi Chief paused, “The one that you feed…” I think you’re feeding the wrong wolf, bitch.
A True Shaman
Dear True Shaman (whose subtleties do not escape me)
Isn’t Wolf Bitcher on CNN? Howling Wolf feeds my bluesy soul, dude. An old Hopi Chief once said to me, “There’s no drinking on the Rez, bitch. Go back into town for that shit.”
A Truer Shaman
P.S. Oh, and at night I become a wolf…or at least on long weekends.